What fascinates me about the world around me? The Flycatcher

in #destasteem6 years ago
Today, within the framework of the author's contest "What Enjoyably Me in the World? Insects» I want to tell you about the most useful domestic insects - the common fly catcher (Scutigera coleoptrata).

Seeing him for the first time in his apartment, I was terrified. Not only is it large enough (its body length reaches up to 6 cm), so too with so many feet !!! On each of the fifteen segments of his body a pair of legs - the total THIRD PARTY !!!!

The last pair of fly-catchers is very long. In women, it is twice the length of the body and resembles an antenna. That's why I can not directly determine where the fly catcher's head is, and where its tail is.
It's then in the next acquaintance, closer, when he happens to be in the bank and can not get out, I've checked it from all sides.

Given the flycatcher closer through the camera lens, I noticed that the first pair of feet reminded the jaw with which he grabbed his prey and defended himself.

On both sides of the head, facial eyes are clearly visible in the fly catcher.
The antenna on the flycatcher resembles a very long whip and consists of whiter than five hundred segments. Thanks to this antenna the flycatcher is guided in the spaces

The color of the catch fly is yellowish or brownish. Three bluish lines pass through the whole body. Her legs are also striped.

  • I was amazed by the way of life a fly catcher. It is active both day and night. I watched him sit for a very long time immobile on the wall, and as light as lightning drove forward. He also ran with lightning speed and saw me. It accelerates to forty centimeters per second !!!

Thanks to the sharp eyesight and the incredible speed, the fly is a remarkable hunter. Thanks to the tentacle antenna, he finds prey with smell and touch. In his prey, he flicked the poison with his fangs, which came from the forelegs. This poison poisoned the victim, and then the sleeve ate it and went to a secluded place to digest the food.
The benefit of catching a poison fly for someone is not dangerous! But, about this I am learning only now, as I write this post.

Fly catchers, live in dwellings, eat lice, moths, cockroaches, spiders and other insects. In this case the benefits for humans.

Another amazing thing is that the flycatcher can do several things at the same time: keeping one boot with a claw, at the same time eating the other

On the road, the flycatcher dwells among the leaves that fall under the trees. Winter in remote places, and with the advent of spring, like all insects, begin to live an active lifestyle. With the advent of autumn, the flycatcher is only inhabited in human habitation, choosing in it wet room (bath, toilet, kitchen, basement).

If you think that flycatcher will damage your furniture or your product - no! He really does not care about them. And in general, the fact that a flycatcher has appeared in your home is not talking about the unclean conditions in it. For me, given the benefits of fly flyers, it's better to let these little predators stay in my house than the insects and cockroaches that he eats.

Flycatcher can stay in one apartment for up to seven years !!! They live a way of life. Several times I tried to catch flies on all kinds of Velcro, but they did not scare him. Every time he left my memory only a pair of legs.

Flycatcher is a very romantic insect. They attract each other with different sound signals, and also highlight pheromones.

The fly flies that emerge from the eggs only have eight legs, then, with each molt, they have two pairs of legs. The first few weeks of catching female flies with children, protecting them from all sorts of problems

To my surprise at the time of writing this post, I also learned that the number of flycatchers is rapidly declining. Many destroy them because of a very unpleasant appearance and therefore are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

Because of its ability to destroy insects, flytraps are very useful centipedes! So do not be afraid of them and do not destroy them!


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