Why self-love is the first step toward happiness

Let us be honest with ourselves from the first words, sentences, and thoughts. We all want to live happily, enjoy it and give love to the world around us, and also that this world will love us in return. But there is always a reason not to love our lives, routines, conflicts, and nervous circumstances that create insecurity within ourselves, revealing complexity and leading to total rejection of self and lack of love.

When you stop loving yourself or you are forced to do it, or maybe you never know how and reject it, you can not live happily. You can not give others joy, love, energy, because in you not.

All human thoughts and activities come down to love. Everyone wants to be loved. That's why you try at work, in relationships, try to save them, ** ask for and deserve the affection of parents ** , create the whole company, be a great star or singer and all this for the sake of being loved.

A child to come into this world, appears in the mother's belly and already wants love, wants acceptance in this life.And that the people involved in all of the above for fun, for ideas and development, you must be able to love yourself and then you will get love in response.

You ask that you be loved by your parents, friends, the other half and those around you, but you do not love yourself. Then answer the question, why should someone love you? If you do not do this yourself? If you yourself do not want to love yourself, why does someone suddenly want it?

Love yourself? And what is that in general?

This does not mean just thinking of yourself, it does not mean just looking at yourself, but others, in principle, do not understand and ignore it does not mean to underestimate others and only praise themselves, to believe that the world revolves around you.

It means being self-respecting, accepting, loving yourself for what it is, not searching for deficiencies in yourself, on your body or behavior, respecting your values, and treating yourself as you want others to do it. Thus, and to your people will be more forgiving, understanding, and friendly.

If you keep saying to yourself: "Come on, I'll work better until the night, and then health will improve, because time will be" - you do not love yourself!

If you think: "Well, this is not an insult, he said that he was joking" - you do not love yourself!

If you do not want to go somewhere, but you have to do it for some reason - you do not love yourself!

If you keep looking for excuses - you do not love yourself!

If you do what you're told and do not have your own opinion - you do not love yourself!

If instead of relaxing on weekends from workweek, you work at home - you do not love yourself!

If you think: "I do not have a beautiful figure, looks, etc." - You do not love yourself!

If you are told that you have a complex character, a wrong approach to life, etc., and you are happy to believe - you do not love yourself!

If you tolerate others, because you must, contrary to your wishes - you do not love yourself!

If you believe that you are tired of this life and nobody understands you - you do not love yourself!

I'm sure the idea is clear. Why is this the first step towards a happy life? Because until you accept yourself and do not fall in love - you will not be happy. It's like not hanging out with yourself.

Imagine the situation.

Someone comes to you who do not like you, you do not want to communicate with him, but you must, there is constant conflict and eternal hysteria, you start feeling nervous and not, and you can not think of anything but "about negative to this person" already and life is not in joy. So you start dragging the atmosphere to relatives, friends, and acquaintances. The ending is sad.

And it seems to you, if you remove this colleague, then life will come back to be bright and bright, but not so. But the examples are different.

Imagine this situation and think, referring to yourself as to a co-worker, you are always in that condition. Constant conflict with self, constant neuroticity, leading to illness and death.

You experience these emotions every day, but here's the paradox, in the first case you can at least strike someone out of life, and you can not cross over yourself, you can only change yourself and change yourself. Think about it.

Next time you want to be loved and understood, read this long list and answer the question: "Do you love yourself?" Always start from yourself. Because you need to change not others, but yourself, you are with yourself to live all your life.

You’re right.
It starts with the man in the mirror as mj had said.
Self love must come first
Self love involves a lot, acceptance, appreciation for oneself as most especially believe in oneself

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