
in #destasteem6 years ago (edited)

Rubric "Minerals"

** All pyruvate! **

It would seem that this mineral is the most recognizable. Purple means amethyst, but it's not so simple.

** Amethyst is silica, a kind of quartz. Color is due to the presence of iron ions in the composition, although it was previously believed that this is a merit of manganese. At high temperatures, the mineral becomes, eventually, discolored. **

The color depends on the deposit. The most famous deposits are Brazil and Russia (Middle Urals). Brazilian pebbles have a rich purple color, turning into black. The Urals are paler, sometimes only the peaks of crystals are colored.

** A specimen of the Ural amethyst is a crystalline druza: several intergrown crystals on a common basis. A copy of the Brazilian amethyst is a crystal brush: a lot of small crystals, relatively evenly spaced on the substrate. **


** Amethysts grow in agate geodes, as can be recognized from the substrate of the second sample: **

** Amethysts are characterized by pleochroism (not pronounced): in different lighting, they both slightly change color. **

Amethyst has a hardness of "7" on the Mohs scale. What does it say? In general, the scale classifies minerals at two extremes: the mineral or mineral scratches itself. Overstepping the hardness of "5" (and only 10 of them), minerals begin to scratch themselves. Therefore, the amethyst is hard enough, it scratches the glass, it can be processed with diamond.

** If you look inside the crystals, you can see a lot of interesting things: they are not homogeneous, transparency varies. **

The upper small crystal is transparent, since it contains only a few gas inclusions. For a larger crystal, only the peak is transparent, then a mass of inclusions is present. Sometimes they are not located chaotically, but rather organized (planes). In the sample, it is exactly this phenomenon, which, unfortunately, does not show up because of the low sensitivity of the camera. By the way, planes in minerals are sometimes called "curtains." Once, when I once again went to the bench with stones, a conversation started with the seller.

** He took a sample of rock crystal and said: "What curtains!" I glanced at the window and thought that, in general, it is strange to talk about curtains, because they were not at the window at all. Only a couple of days later I realized what " curtains " I was talking about. **

Curtains of amethyst

** Talk about the transparency of Brazilian amethyst is difficult due to the dark color. But in general, the situation is similar: transparency is uneven, inclusions occur, as well as internal cracks, reliefs. **

** The more correct the form of the trigonal crystal, the higher its value. Let's look at the peaks. Ideally, they should not be broken. **

** The sample, apparently, does not differ in special quality: the smaller peak contains a dent, as well as the larger one. **

** The Brazilian sample, on the contrary, is of high quality. The peaks of all the crystals are sharp, without fractures.
So what is the difference between the Ural amethyst and the Brazilian one? **

** Mineral aggregates are not distinctive features, like hardness, inclusions and quality. One thing remains: coloring. The vast majority of Ural amethysts are light, the Brazilian ones are dark. **

** However, it also happens that the color is similar. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire minerals alive, from mining specialists or those who know exactly where the sample came from. **

See you in the next posts.

** The photos are taken from the personal archive of the author **


Bukan main ini,,, sangat indah @destasteem

Sebuah imajinasi yang sangat bagus

Untuk kedepan pasti

Kita perlu tingkatkan yang sangat tinggi lagi

Partipasi yang bagus

Kita perlu kebersamaan berkelanjutan

Pengharapan baru

Kita terus mengharapkan yg terbaik

Original ,,,,

Sebuah postingan yang sangat bagus

Benar benar orijinal

Ini sebuah harapan baru

Ya terimakasih

Ya sangat benar

Sangat bagus

Ya saya tersanjung

Ya kita beri sanjungan

Sangat terhormat, jgn terlalu berlebihan ,

Penghormatan yg kami berikan

Teruslah disini

Penghormatan terus mengalir

Ini supoer orijinal ,,

Ini sangat sempurna desta diatas

Supers empurna ,

Ya ini buah dari kerja sama kita

Y terimakasih

Sangat jelas

Thanks kawan

Luar biasa ceritanya , good @destasteem

Ini akan menjadi sangat baik

Ini mengst sangst berkembang

Kita akan terus menjaga yang terbaik

Kita berharap demikian

Kita sangat bagus ini semua

Berusaha semaksimalmungkin kawan ,

Ya sama sama

Ia ini teratas

Perkembangan yg sangat tinggi

Kita akan menciptakan yang terbaik....

Ini sangat menarik perhatian kita

Saling mendukung itu sangat bagus , ,

Kedepan kita akan lebih propesional

Perkumpulan sempurna , ini lebih

Propesional ini ,,, sengat the best , postingan sangat sempurna...

Ini menjadi tren masa depan , ,

Perumusan yang sangat sempurna

Kita disi untuk membesarkan komunitas kita

Kita harus saling mendumung

Kita mengharapkan semua kita aktif

Dengan keadaan apapun kita terus berjuang

Harapan kedepan harus sempurna, ,

Ini berkat kaliAn semua

Sangat layak kita berikan penghargaan.

Sangat layak jadi komunitas besar

Ini pantas mendapatkan yg terbaik

Kita perlu memperluas jaringan ini , agarkedepan semakin sempurna , ,

Modal kita hanya tampang doank

Kesempurnaan ini milik kita bersama disini

Pembaharuan akan terus kita jalankan kawan , , ,

Luaaar biasa , ini penalaran yang sangabagus , t

Sama kita menuju yg terbaik

Ini merupakan karya saya

Kita akan terus kan yang terbaik

Kita sangat mendukung anda

Kita akan bersama berjuang disini

Ini sebuah pandangan baik

Cukup sempurna , ini perfec ,,,

Bulan ini kita harapkan yang terbaik

Kita butuh perhatian khusus untuk anggota , , , ,

Lanjutkan perjuangan , , ,

Kita pastikan yang terbaik disini

Ini sangat teratas

Kita sudah pada aktivitas mencukupi

Ini sebuah penulisan saja

Uji materi yang sangat baik

Kita akan menjadi yg terbaik

Kita sangat mengharapkan yg terbaik

Penalaran ini tidak sampai disini

Kita akan terus berjuang disini

Sangat super propesional ini ,,

Kami akan terus memperjuabgkannya , ,

Ini kemungkinan sangat baik

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