ADSactly Food: Venezuelan Pastry: The Coconut

in #desserts5 years ago


Venezuelan Pastry: The Coconut

Hello, friends of @adsactly

In previous publications, I enjoyed writing about typical Venezuelan food. I wrote about our typical breakfasts or lunches and what could be the most popular snacks or appetizers in our country. Reviewing these publications, I noticed that we needed to talk about the varied and delicious pastries made in Venezuela. However, I realized that the list of desserts is endless, so I will divide it according to its main products or ingredients. This time I'm going to tell you about those who make themselves with a heavenly product: coconut.

I am a coconut lover. I am fascinated not only by its smell, but by its taste, water, pulp or oil. Coconut is one of the world's most popular tropical fruits and although some say it originates in South Asia, many of us believe that coconut is a product native to South America. I have read that in some areas water is more popular, as in Europe and Asia, and in others, its pulp is a product with a lot of demand, as it is perfect to make tasty delicacies. Likewise, coconut oil has become increasingly popular, not only as a beauty product, but also as a healthy alternative for preparing meals.


As I live close to the sea, my city abounds with coconut trees that give their fruits with sweet water and fleshy pulps. So it is normal, in times of heat and thirst, to drink coconut water directly from the fruit. Also, many people use coconut water as a restorative for its amount of electrolytes and even to bind them with alcoholic beverages. In recent years, it has been said that coconut water is an excellent antioxidant, anti-aging and an excellent isotonic drink, as it is said to have five times more potassium than a Gatorade or Powerade.

Also for making desserts, which is really what we are interested in in this publication, coconut is really very versatile. In Venezuela there is a diversity of recipes with coconut that have been transmitted and elaborated from generation to generation, and that maintain the traditional flavor of our gastronomy. Let's begin:


One of the easiest and simplest desserts is "coquitos". A snack made with coconut, sugar and egg. Simply strip a coconut, add sugar, an egg and a touch of coloring, give it a circular shape, take it to the oven and you're done: one of the richest snacks you can taste. The coquitos are an excellent snack because you can make many, keep them in an airtight container and eat them whenever you want. The same applies to coconut kisses, which are a kind of cookie with spices, coconut, but sweetened with paper. This and spices such as cloves or cinnamon, give a dark color to the dough. The coconut kisses are perfect to accompany with coffee or any refreshing drink.


I can also mention two of my favorite desserts: the first is the majarete. This is a kind of coconut flan, corn flour, milk, sugar, cinnamon and clove species. All the ingredients are taken to the fire and then the mixture is poured into a mold. When it is cold, it is demoulded and powdered cinnamon is sprinkled on top. Another is coconut rice. This snack reminds me of my childhood years, since my grandmother was an expert in preparing it and made it delicious. As its name indicates, this typical sweet is made with rice, coconut, cinnamon, clove and paperón. Although this sweet and the previous one are also made and tasted in other countries such as Thailand, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Malaysia, Indonesia, in Venezuela they enjoy great popularity and are considered worthy representatives of the Creole confectionery.


I would like to close with Venezuela's star coconut dessert: bienmesabe. This dessert has its origins in a Spanish convent, in the 1600s. When the colonists arrived on this continent, specifically in Venezuela, they taught the indigenous people how to make it. But the way it is made today is also thanks to some Franciscan nuns who took the original recipe and gave other touches, and gave courses to many ladies of high society who learned to make it. It has to be said that its elaboration is complex and that nowadays, it can be very expensive. First you have to make a sponge cake, which is filled with coconut cream and covered with a soft and sweet meringue. For some it may be cloying and wet, but for most people it tastes like heaven. There is a well-known legend that says that this sponge cake is capable of curing the dislikes and sadness of the heart. Although to be honest, any Venezuelan dessert has these healing and relaxing effects. ;)

Many people turn to sweets when they are sad or anxious, because they can lift their spirits, because they have sugar and other ingredients that can increase serotonin levels in the body. Of course, we know that sugar can be harmful to health, but there are other ingredients that can replace it, such as brown sugar. In my childhood, my grandmother used to make different desserts that we ate after a nap. The hot afternoons were sweeter and more bearable if we had a delicious dessert in our hands. To remember is to live.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I remind you that you can vote for @adsactly as a witness and join our server in discord. Until a next smile. ;)


Written by: @nancybriti

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Oh yeah! Coconut is one of the ideal fruits for dessert. I can not choose one of all what you named all are delicious.

Oh, yeah. They're all delicious and easy to make.

I enjoy coconut directly from the shell and the natural water is amazing. Thanks for sharing this. Its my hope that things get resolved for all those in Venezuela.

There's nothing better than eating coconut naturally. It is a delicious fruit in all presentations. Thank you very much for your good wishes. Greetings

As you say, @nancybriti, the coconut is one of nature's miracles and / or one of God's special gifts (from the gods) to human beings.
What I prefer most about coconut is its water, and then the fresh pulp.
I know all the desserts you speak of because I am Venezuelan: they are delicious. The ones I like the most are "majarete" (for its texture and softness to the taste, really a delicacy!) and coconut rice (the combination of the grains with the "melao" of the coconut is a marvel for the taste). I prefer the preparation with the so called "papelón", that is to say, the product of the sugar cane without getting to be processed chemically.
I would add the so-called "turrón de coco" (coconut nougat), which can be combined with other fruits, such as pineapple, guava and parchita, for example.
I really enjoyed your post, and I missed not having any of those delicious desserts on hand.

That's right. That's right. I forgot to review the coconut nougat. I also forgot to point out that many of these snacks are sold by people who go from house to house, through the streets. An acculture that still remains in many Venezuelan cities and towns. Greetings

I loved this post as I am a coconut fan, too. Both the taste and the smell, most of the body lotions I buy have this scent....
As for the sweets, I was just thinking what I might cook for the weekend. I think I could try the cocquitos... we rarely have fresh coconut here, but they sell grated coconut at the supermarket.. plus the recipe seems easy enough, even I could try it!

Yes. Making coquitos is very easy. Just like you, I also use creams, lotions and shampoo with this smell, I love it. Good luck with the preparation.

Mouth-watering post.
I am a coconut addict.
I just can't resist any dessert or food with coconut in it. Even fih or goat meat with coconut is great to me.
I recently ran into a new place down Arismendi Av, right in front of the park. They sell cocadas and they are delicious. Unfortunatelly, they increase their prices every week by some 3,000BS (from 6,000 a few weeks ago to 15,000 now, the small cup).
There is also a lady near Plaza Bermudez who sells delicious arroz con coco
I love them all. The coconut icecream is my favorite icecream. Unfortunately, very few people make good icecreams.
As you say, these desserts can help us feel better. I rather eat sweets than drink alcohol or smoke.
Thanks for this delicious post

LOL. The alcohol with coconut water or the famous piña colada is also delicious. At home, he used to make coconut or coconut ice cream, but now I do not look so good because now I must add little milk and sugar. I don't know a person who doesn't like coconut. For me it must be the temptation made fruit. Greetings

More Venezuelan food! You always make it sound sooooo good. Coconut has so many miraculous qualities, stores well, ships well, nutritious and delicious.
Love the coquitos and the marjarette. I'll try those. The problem for me is cracking the dang coconut and not hurting myself!

LOL. That's right. It can be cumbersome and dangerous to break a tender coconut. Most Venezuelan markets sell dried coconuts, ready to use. Greetings

@nancybriti, We also use Coconut 🥥 in many dishes and in times of fever we drink lot of Coconut Water.

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