in #dessert7 years ago

A vegan chocolate dessert that in addition to being delicious is healthy! This chocolate mousse with orange is ready in minutes. This chocolate and orange vegan mousse is not only a delicious chocolaty dessert, it is made with fresh, healthy and natural ingredients. The star ingredient: * drum roll * The blessed avocado / avocado!


If the idea of ​​using avocado / avocado on this mousse does not give you much confidence and seems too weird, I invite you to reconsider. Chocolate and other ingredients make the flavor of the avocado imperceptible. In addition, the quality that makes the avocados fabulous - creaminess and a lot of texture - are also qualities that go well in the desserts.

Avocados make the mousse smooth and textured, plus you benefit from its healthy fats, fiber and a lot of vitamins.This chocolate and orange mousse is ready in a two by three. Add all ingredients to the food processor and blend until smooth. As simple as that. It is incredibly easy to prepare that even the less experienced cook could do it with absolute success.


  • 2 aguacates maduros.
  • 1/3 taza de jarabe de arce
  • 1/3 taza de polvo de cacao sin azúcar
  • 2 - 3 cucharadas de jugo de naranja recién exprimido
  • 1 cucharadita de ralladura de cáscara de naranja
  • ½ cucharadita de semillas de chía

Parte a la mitad los aguacates y retira la pulpa.
Agrega la pulpa de aguacate y el resto de ingredientes en un procesador de alimentos. Mezcla durante un par de minutos hasta que este suave. Prueba y ajusta el sabor con mas jarabe de arce si es necesario
Saca la mousse y sírvelas en vasitos o moldes.
Sirve con crema batida de coco**.

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