DESIGN A CHARACTER CONTEST - Week 6 - Shape Challenge. Raise your paws!

Hello guys this is my entry for Design a Character Contest made by @w0olf. Take a look here if you wanna join the contest :D


I wasn't sure whether to join the contest or not, because I had no idea what to do, but for some reason when I saw this figure I thought about cat ヽ(・ε・*)


To make it more interesting, I kinda did it as a space police cat. I like this drawing it just seem like a really cool cat (n.n)b

So, for doing this, I first made a little sketch, just to be clear about what I wanted to do.


And then I just started drawing, which by the way I use My paint to make digital drawings, as I don't have a drawing tablet, that software I think is the easiest to use with a mouse :)

I made a gif with a little bit of the process:


Well guys, Hope you like it! ヾ(*^▽゚)

Love, Eddy ♡


Cool little guy! I hope you win :)

Thanks ma'am, I hope that too XD

Why do your characters always have to be so swaggy? You always make cool stuff! Keep it up! Upvote for you, Police Cat!


Well, can you keep a secret? Have you ever seen CSI: Miami? Well there's a guy in that series called Horatio. He is my inspiration to make these characters so cool, He's pretty awesome! ヾ(*゚∇゚)ノ


Horacioooo! Now it all makes sense! Haha. I loved this series! Used to watch it all the time with my mom! I love the opening credits song. Hahahaha.

My mom always had a crush on Horatio Hahahaha XD

Hahaha, you forgot to mention that he's our mom's boyfriend XD

I just had a look at your Blog @noellesevilla (because of your cute Profilepic!)... Very creative! :D
You should consider to join our contest one day!
Would be awesome!

Wow thanks @w0olf!I will definitely check it out!

Hey @lovesoldier69 ! I went and got "My Paint" and tried it out for the first time!

Come check out the post I made inspired by your advice here:

I'm totally in love with the workflow! Thanks dude!

Hahaha this cat has swaaag! ^^
Very cool entry @lovesoldier69! :D

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