
Hehe I owe you a post about my purple wall! Won't be the first thing I post. I'm leaving this weekend for a small adventure with my girlfriend somewhere in Europe, nothing fancy just 🏕️🏄🚵‍♂️

And my image isn't anything special just some luck with nature in my area. Did you get a smile while looking at your picture? If yes than you already won! 🎉

haha just camping, surfing and mountain biking...what do you need more?!

have fun on the weekend!!


Just thought about it really well, and I can't think of anything else I would except a need for (good and strong) coffee! 🤣

Won't be a weekendtrip, but a 2 week trip btw. Will you miss me? 😈

coffeee addict 🙋‍♂️

Of course man, but I´ll be alright! 😉
Make sure to return with some awesome photos and stories.

Have lots of fun!

EDIT: By the way, you made 2nd place and I the honorable mention.

Yeah! And I noticed another colorful contest by @derangedvisions for this week 👏
Think I can use one of the pictures I took during my trip on his new competition.

Addict me!? Nooo.... ok maybe a bit but you must know I had 1 day without coffee during my trip🤣

haven´t seen a Fall since years, so no photo from me this time!! 😂

damn you're missing out one of the best seasons of the year with so many colors everywhere. Are you running away for wintertimes? 😉

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