Steemit Depression - KLYE is here for you (video)

in #depression8 years ago (edited)

(I'm sorry I look like HELL, Just had woken up edit: NSFW! I said "Sh!t")

Audio transcribed for the hearing impaired: KLYE here, I'm getting a lot of people talking to me and wondering why their posts aren't doing well and their beating themselves up. So if you need to talk to someone about your posts or your life or what's ailing you, you know what? Just come talk to me. I'll be in the so I'll leave a link down at the bottom here. But don't be getting depressed if your stuff isn't going good.. Don't be having suicidal thoughts, it's not worth it. So if you guys need to talk to someone I'm here in the Sorry I look like shit, I just woke up. There you go steemit. I'm here for you.

So if you need it.. Come talk to KLYE

If you're feeling depressed or need to talk to someone who will maintain your confidentiality.

I offer my supports to Steemians going through tough times. You aren't alone in your feelings.

Come find me on - Just come there and type @klye

I try to be online as much as humanly possible while not dying of sleep deprivation. :)

Your secrets, story and feelings are nobodies business but your own. I'll never share anything.

Depression is a real mental illness. You do not have to face it alone. I'm here to help you.

user @earnest has taken it upon himself to flag this post.. if you want to talk just come chat.


I wanna talk to you my favorite "wooly bugger"....LOL!

rofl venus

Thanks Bachist.. Have some friends on here that are hurting.. And I'm sure more exist..

Just trying to offer a hand.

the klyetriatist is in the buildin'

These klye face memes are hilarious inkha.

hi dude

Hi. Why you flag this man? That's not cool.

If you need to come talk to someone come see me:

I dint flag you dude, what your talking about willis?

what did I flag?

get the fuck out of my sight

hahahah you look depressed, I think you need some of my donuts to cheer you up :P

I'm bipolar ... Might have been feeling a bit low today i guess.. No reason to though.
It's just my brain chemistry.. Some days I wake up feeling great.. other days not so much. :)

ooh no thats not nice :( I think my ex had that, its a hard thing! Hugs!

No worries Alla. I deal with it the best I can. Helping others makes me feel better. :)

This is awesome dude.
You already help me so much just by being you, and being there...
And for that, I can't thank you enough!

No worries bob. I do what I can man.

Smart idea. I can see counseling services pop'in up on this.

Trying to help those around me

you sir are a legend, just be sure to look after yourself to .

I even slept in today..! I just naturally look like I was run over by a truck.

lol, well done. I'm still in the can't sleep must check steemit phase.

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