I Know You Are Out There. Yes, The Holidays Suck Sometimes.

in #depression7 years ago (edited)

This is a big day for me. I am going to a school Christmas program, my grandson is in it. Seven years ago I did not think I would ever see him again. I am not going into all the hows and whys, it was just awful. It was the worst Christmas I ever had and I cannot imagine one worse short of loved ones actually dying.

And there it is. Someone out there is watching a loved one die. I know @surpassinggoogle just lost his beloved mother. I know some of you are battling Children's Pedophile Services... I mean Protective... and your family is in shreds. I know some of you have life threatening diseases and some are in constant physical pain. I know some of you are battling depression, and trying SO hard to put on your "HOLIDAY CHEER" when all you want to do is crawl into a dark hole and wait for spring to come. And when you are down, there is some butthead who will come along and say "Why can't you just be grateful for what you have?" and while you know at a level they are correct, it is not really helpful. Some days "what you have" is more on your plate than you feel you can handle. The holidays can REALLY magnify that feeling.

It is a good year for me, the best holiday season I have had in years and so I want to take this minute to reach out to you who are feeling like you are bringing everyone down, spoiling their fun, just the turd in the punchbowl... I want you to know I LOVE YOU. Just BE that turd, poop on the party, cry if you want to, if that is what it takes to get through. Most of all I want you to know it CAN GET BETTER. It is hard to remember that when everything in our mind gets so focused on what is "wrong" with us, but in the end you are OK. You are more than OK, you are FABULOUS and if you need to be not fabulous for a little while that is OK too, you will be FABULOUS again soon. Just keep breathing, you will get through this.

When God decides you are done here He will quit breathing you. Meanwhile you are good enough for God, and that is good enough.

I have to go get dressed now. Got a date with a 9 year old that I can't be late for!

It can be a rough road this time of year...
(Pic mine from last winter)



Aww, lucky grandma ❤️❤️Have fun with your little love. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

Bless you for all the love you share with your community.

Thanks sweetie! It was a BLAST! And when he was his granny at his show he just beamed, made him as happy as it made me I do believe!

Not even deep yet!

Awe great post ! Have an awesome Christmas with your loved ones , we must always cherish the time we have with them , it is fleeting ! It is only my 2 adult sons now 30 and 27 ans my boyfriend of 12 years for our Christmas , now for many years , everyone has since passed on ... May they rest in peace , and no grand kids . But we are very grateful to have each other and so far our health !! Wishing You All the best !! And Good luck shoveling out !! LOL!! 💕👌✌👍😂❄❄❄❄⛄⛄⛄

It has been a much easier road this year - no snow yet lol!
THANK YOU for you kindness, I have seen you being gentle and uplifting to those who are down and that is a beautiful thing, rare in people these days. HUGS!

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