Is it time for dentures?

in #denture7 years ago

There are few words that can make you feel as though you are a thousand years old quite like the word dentures. Let’s be honest, none of us in our twenties and thirties ever thought that this day would ever come! We think that we are invincible, and that if we truly look after our bodies then there is no way that they can fail us, but sadly the progress of time and age do not ever stop to ask whether you brushed your teeth twice a day, every day. Even people who have really dedicated time and effort into making sure that their teeth are looked after can struggle to keep them healthy, and so you could be one of the many people who are starting to hear their dentist say things like ‘dentures’ – and be filled with horror.

The first thing to remember is that dentures are not the first type of dental treatment that you will ever receive – there are many things that you can consider before then. For example, in San Diego tooth restorations are increasing in number because dentists are able to use these dental techniques and technologies in order to save teeth, rather than remove them. These dental restorations, or fillings as they are otherwise known, are able to fill in the gaps that bacteria and infections have created in the patient’s teeth, making them to all intents and purposes completely healed once more. They will even look like completely natural and normal teeth again, with many patients reporting that they forget that they have had a San Diego tooth restoration after a few months!

This is the sort of result that a dentist wants, and that is the same approach that is given to any patient who may require dentures. In some cases, it is simply not possible for a dental restoration to give the patient their health back in that particular tooth, and so the decision has to be made for it to come out. This is not the end of the world; many people up and down the country live without a tooth, and if it happens to be from the back of your mouth, you may find that no one apart from you really notices. However, if this happens to a second tooth, and then a third, there may be a deeper problem here that needs to be addressed, and that could mean that getting dentures is the next logical step.

But that doesn’t mean that you are going to lose all of your teeth! Another type of San Diego tooth restorations is often considered to be a dental implant, which is a false tooth that is placed in the gap where one of your teeth used to be, and then a partial denture which fills in any other gaps is attached to this tooth as an anchor. This is a way of changing your dental health and your overall wellbeing – because no one likes to have three or four teeth missing – without a huge change to your lifestyle. You’ll probably forget that the partial dentures are even there, and you will still be able to do everything that you always did before: chew, talk, laugh. You’ll just have a few extra teeth in there that you didn’t grow yourself!

There are San Diego tooth restorations that can give you your confidence back, and you may find that they are a lot cheaper than you think – and a lot less painful. Why not have a chat with your dentist about the tooth restorations that are available to you if you have a few teeth missing?

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Dental implants are great for people who do not want to wear dentures. They are fixed into the jaw bone but the denture can also be removed for cleaning.

I make these appliances and do not dread one day when I myself will need a set. Its part of life unfortunately but in most cases the patients prefer them over the teeth they once had.

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