Hello. My name is Brian from Irvine California

in #dentist7 years ago

Hi, I am a strong believer in a decentralized world. Which is why I wanted to join Steemit and support the network.

I am a 34 year old dentist practicing in the Southern California region. I got into Bitcoin around 2013 after watching a youtube video of Andreas Antonopoulous talk about the power of decentralized concensus. My life hasn't been the same after that. I see the blockchain holding the potential to change humanity for the better. I really hope sites like Steemit can replace things like facebook, instagram, and snapchat. I can imagine a world where if a person dreams it, no middleman or barrier to access can stop them.

I want to do my part by incorporating cryptocurrencies into my daily life, as well as possibly creating a token platform to help guide my profession of dentistry into this new age. In my field, things like practice transitions, patient finance, practice finance need to be disrupted. The very nature of dental insurance itself needs to be remodeled. I am confident I can think of a token model that dentists will understand and want to adopt to offer their patients as a replacement for the current dental insurance models. The blockchain will basically empower the individual so much that we may see large corporate entities like corporate dentistry and insurance disappear. Much props to Dan Larimer for making this thing and I'll be rooting for his future projects to succeed as well.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 67958.74
ETH 3273.25
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65