Another paranormal experience I have had..

in #demons7 years ago (edited)

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A while back I was delving into the supernatural and paranormal, a tad more than my usual casual passing interest in the subject and made a small miscalculation. Before you get too worried for me, I'll tell you that it was a mental exercise and I did nothing in the way of witchcraft or spell casting or anything you'd see on tv or film. I merely stretched out my mind to get a feel of the energies.

Usually I keep my mind closed and locked in order to keep out the bad things. We cannot affect the paranormal physically, but we do have some impact mentally and spiritually. Most of us walk around in our daily lives and have no real concept of the true power of our minds. We just work, play, enjoy each other's company..ya know socializing. We don't give much thought to what we can really do with our minds. Some of us are in the know. We know and we are careful. Some aren't careful and test those mental boundaries. Some like to experiment.
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From time to time I experiment to find out what my mind is actually capable of. Usually I will have a prayer to my deity and ask that He looks out for me while I try to learn more. Know thyself. This was one of those times.

I made two errors, really, I did this without prayer and in my home. I opened my mind to whatever was in the immediate vicinity in the ethereal realm. Huge mistake! I was probing the edges of consciousness and subconscious. I unlocked the doors of my mind to extend a greeting and see who would answer, because spirits are everywhere, some are really nice/good spirits and others that are pure evil. Some spirits aren't what they seem and are actually demonic in nature. I had no focus on who I was inviting to chat, that was another error. I do not suggest this practice at all to anyone. This was dangerously stupid and this is a warning. Fortunately I was able to push, what answered, away through concentration and prayer.
This is basically how it went.

I was resting in my bed and I was at low energy. (Never attempt this sort of thing at low energy.) My physical form is damaged and I need to recharge( take regular naps) more often than most people. However, when I'm recharging myself I get bored and so my mind wanders. Most times I listen to music that my mind has prerecorded, those pesky tunes that get stuck in our heads have a real functioning use by the way. I listen to music in my head and just float in the darkness. I allow the swirling spots I see with my closed eyes to form pictures, artworks. I meditate.

Resting comfortably, I thought to myself, "Let's see if anyone is out there in the dark, see if they would like to chat." Yes, I know real dumb. I unlocked the mental doors and stepped into the true darkness (the void?) just sort of hanging by the opening and peering into the abyss. I could not see, but more felt, the presence of the local residents. I had a distinct feeling that something not good was peering back. I stepped back into myself and closed the mental door, but forgot to lock it.

I decided to forego the experiment on the side of safety, since I know that dabbling too much can break down those mental doors permanently and leave a person wide open to things that want nothing more than to take a meat suit for a test drive, the ruination of mankind, but there are good spirits out there. I know there are good things out there.

Having forgotten to lock that mental barrier, I drifted off into the vale between sleep and wakefulness. I was simply floating there in the in-between. Then it happened. A presence opened the door to my mind from the outside and pushed its head through my physical form to get a better look at my face. An extreme close up!

Imagine laying in bad and an intruder walks in, leans down over you and puts their face right in front of you, except it didn't stop at the flesh but intruded into the mind. I felt it. I felt the entity cross the boundary of flesh and mind and put its face right in front of my spirit. That was one of the most disturbing and dangerous feelings I've ever had as an adult. I pushed back immediately and forced it out, but it wasn't easy. I was already at low strength within my body. Drained from having a damaged body. It takes a lot of energy to keep going with a messed up spine. The pain drains your energy, your internal batteries quickly. I woke up!

I bolted upright and immediately began my prayers, turning on the lights in the room, and rebuking what had entered. I was both scared and mad. I had really fouled up. I did this to me and I was mad at me. I can't blame it for coming in, I left the door unlocked and I had given an initial invitation, it just answered. It wasn't good though, I could sense that much. No good spirit will intrude like that. They respect our boundaries. The evil ones do not have any compunction about boundaries.

Imagine if you were resting and suddenly a lion was on top of you. Hovering, examining, peering into your eyes. You'd crap a brick! This was that feeling. Look, we all make mistakes, I've made plenty and I'll make more in the future, but I learn from my mistakes and try to share with others where I went wrong. It's the human condition. Curiosity is our thing.

So, yeah, that happened recently. Within the last year. It was amazingly stupid and dangerous and it went wrong. Fortunately I was able to make it leave, but I learned from that experience and will never attempt that sort of thing again. The mental barriers are back up and bolted shut. The main thing that I have to do to keep those mental barriers closed is stay rested and strong. We all do stupid things in life the point is to learn not to do them from those who have already done them. To not repeat the mistakes of those who came before us. There is a working formula to life and it keeps us safe. There is true, pure evil out there in the void waiting for silly inexperienced people to invite them in and we must remember to never let that happen. This is a lesson, a warning to all of my fellow mind explorers. There are things we should not dabble in.

Thank you for reading along.
Much love, light and respect,


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