Liberally Losing It - State Secrets, Russia Phobia, Hateful People

Deep State Peace With Russia

There's an epidemic of people overdosing on various drugs, drinking themselves into a stupor. I'm starting to understand why -- the liberal mind can't take reality. Given that they're at least 45% of the nation, that's a lot of potential drug abusers and drunks.

It seems anyone aligned with Team Blue can't handle it when reality isn't what they think it is. Instead of addressing their cognitive dissonance, they tend to"double down" and rail even harder.

Join me, won't you? Another trip into the mass hysteria known as the progressive left continues...

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

GilipollasGrande - and great, trump and putin agreed to some shit in secret that we don't know a damn thing about

The ignorance is astounding. Leaders of sovereign states have conversations all the time that don't reach anyone's ears but their own. Just like Bill Clinton talking about golf and the family on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch at an airport. (Totally not about getting the pressure off of Hillary, riiiiiight?)

TorontoPoof - do you think americans will wake up when the russian flag starts flying in their faces
TorontoPoof - or will they just embrace it and replace the american flag

The delusion is real. Progressives can't face the truth that their pantsuit leader was rejected. The next step is to invent a hallucination where everyone loves Russia for some reason.

LividLimpwrist - it's kind of weird how much his comment bothered me
LividLimpwrist - i don't think I'm hateful and it's odd to say hide your hate (keep it secret, keep it safe). I don't think I'm a crybaby.

Limpwrist keeps trying to convince himself he isn't a hateful person. Its very much like asking someone if you're cool. If you have to ask, then you probably aren't. And for the record, Limpwrist IS a crybaby, just like the rest of his liberal friends.

BalefulBrother - Remember, Trump was going to fix all the terrible things wrong with America. Literally, he was going to make America great again. But if a liberal criticizes anything about America, we hate the country and should get out.

Stock market soaring, unemployment low, minorities gaining employment and fixing the trade imbalance isn't enough for this idiot. When proggies cry about America, they usually follow it with a empty threat to leave. We really wish they'd follow through on their offer.

LividLimpwrist - I've unfriended < Name Redacted >.
LividLimpwrist - I waited some time because it's okay to disagree, but he was being pretty toxic.

In a proggies mind, if you don't bend to their agenda, you're "toxic". Its a codeword that really means "our shitty arguments have no effect on you." I'd consider it a badge of achievement. Who wants Limpwrist as a friend anyway, virtual or otherwise. He's a snake in the grass.

I've reached my quota of parsing deranged banter for the day, so until next time...

(If you're confused what this is all about, read this introduction - Link )


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