Liberally Losing It - Russian Summit, Shooting Assange, Internet Mistake

Clinton Russia Uranium

Most people know when to sit down, take a breather and contemplate their decisions in life.

Proggies (Progressive Idiots) double-down and screech until there's no one left to hear. This lack of comprehension is the fundamental flaw in their thinking, and ultimately their strategy to mob-bully everyone into silence backfires.

Join me as we take a deep-dive into the daily issues and concerns in the addled-minded collective known as Team Blue, or the liberal mindset.

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

LividLimpwrist - private meeting doesn't look shady at all
LividLimpwrist - the strongest man in the world with the best temperament hates having aides interject

GilipollasGrande - Confirmed that they didn't have Russia's attacks on the list of topics

LividLimpwrist - Someone linked the Russian anthem scene from Red October. Honestly it's a decent anthem and going to start practicing it.

Someone wake me up when the lefties aren't freaking out about two heads of state meeting together. Limpwrist is showing his true colors, even though his snarky humor falls flat. We all know he can't learn new things ;)

LividLimpwrist - living in an Ecuadorian embassy must really age you

GilipollasGrande - hopefully he's shot against a wall soon

LividLimpwrist - but seriously, I would guess he was like 15 years older than me

GilipollasGrande - but explains the weird nursing thing with the ecuador connection
GilipollasGrande - brits want assange, negotiating with eucador to extradite him, usa for some mysterious reason tries to put pressure on ecuador out of nowhere and i bet it isn't to help extradite im

LividLimpwrist - ha, he's been in that embassy so long that Ecuador gave him citizenship

Even if you disagree with what Assange released, wishing the guy to get "shot against a wall" is just downright evil.

Naturally, since the proggies blame Assange for derailing the pantsuit queen's chance at getting elected, he's been judged by mob-rule and will be hounded mercilessly.

Take a good look at that exchange, it shows the venality and lack of rational thinking that permeates liberal thought.

LividLimpwrist - if my Facebook is any indication, I'm an angry white man right now
LividLimpwrist - I've finally snapped from trying to be apolitical in social media to rage posting against Trump.

Limpwrist is most CERTAINLY and angry suburban proggie. Why he keeps trying to use his race as a descriptor only speaks to how deeply enured he is to the liberal mindset. What is ironic is given his past history detailed in my blog, he's never been apolitical -- just spewing all kinds of bile in different corners of the internet.

This is how they think, like victims. They're pure and clean and only do bad things "sometimes".

GilipollasGrande - social media is a mistake
GilipollasGrande - sorry, it isn't a mistake, but all of silicon valley magically aligned with nazis can fuck off

Again with the nazis. He must be such FUN at parties and BBQs. I bet everyone starts to back away when he opens his fool proggie mouth.

TorontoPoof - It could have been amazing but instead, yes. It is a mistake.
TorontoPoof - The entire internet is a mistake.
TorontoPoof - We let the weird and the broken own it for too long and now it's too late.

For most of these people, anyone who can express an opinion other than the endorsed liberal talking points is the "enemy". Me? I just think they're sad people that deserve to be made fun of. I'm not pushing to censor them from the internet, or that they shouldn't be allowed to speak.

Team Blue always finds a victim, and their consistent example is usually themselves.

That's enough for tonight, until next time...

(If you're confused what this is all about, read this introduction - Link )

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