Liberally Losing It - Guilty Hate, Free Speech Conundrum, Spineless Wonders

OCasio The Socialist

Welcome back to the blog, where we expose the underside to Progressive/Liberal thinking. By carefully curating from sources where the perpetually outraged post their hate and bile in public forums.

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

LividLimpwrist - I don't hate people in general. Hate isn't in my nature. I fucking hate Trump and people like McConnell. I want them to burn in Hell and I don't even believe in Hell.

See? He doesn't HATE people, just some people. And he still believes he's a "good person" in spite of his obvious contradiction. No wonder the lefty side is such a mess.

TorontoPoof - yeah no one can convince me that facebook and twitter's actions aren't actively in support of fascism
TorontoPoof - there's no intelligent argument for why they'd have stayed on these tracks once they saw the damage
TorontoPoof - other than supporting fascists and white supremacists

Remember, Progressives love free speech, until you say something they don't like. Then its virtual book burnings and venal mob tactics to control what other people do. Sounds fascist, doesn't it?

Lefties have to remember that free speech - even the stuff that isn't what they like (or most people like) isn't a conditional right that is determined by FEELINGS. If you give one person free speech, you have to grant it to everyone.

TorontoPoof - I mean I'm assuming all republicans are being blackmailed at this point
TorontoPoof - and at some point it's going to come out
TorontoPoof - why else would they be so insane

This is how they think. Everyone has to be compromised, its the only solution! If the proggies weren't so hysterical all the time, they might eventually figure out that its simply because the lefties are WRONG. But they can't allow that to happen, their ego is too fully involved.

DoubleDunce - sadly I can't see Trump in jail, the GOP is too cowardly and the Dems, well also too cowardly but for different reasons. House arrest is about the most I could see happening

(Muffled laughter.)

GullibleGoof - execution!
GullibleGoof - code execution i mean. always good to be fast.

Its the resident asshole joking about assassination. How brave, how very tolerant. These people are insane.

DoubleDunce - of course. HI NSA, Y'ALL BITCHES
DoubleDunce - sadly though that'd cause more problems, and even if Trump goes down quietly his Trumpistas are going to be a real problem in the future

If the three-letter agencies weren't looking at you before, they sure are now. Lefties think that Trump supporters are the problem? Funny how every major incident involving violence starts on Team Blue - or one of the domestic terror organizations like Antifa/J-20/Etc...

DoubleDunce - well house arrest would be the best outcome if the Dems grew a spine (along with winning this year and 2020), but my money's on even if they win they'll wuss out and sweep things under the rug as much as possible with phrases like "national unity" and "moving forward", just generally not wanting to look bad in front of the neighbours

Democrats with a spine? Is he serious? The only thing they're going to win in 2020 is the double-negative of losing yet again. Proggies sure love dreaming the impossible, though.

LividLimpwrist - why did this enter my life? "The US media, perhaps the most threatened of all the swamp parasites, are melting down because President Trump didn’t start a war with Russia."

Its in your feed because its true. The rush of emotion that you're feeling Limpwrist is known as "I'm an idiot, and here's why."

We can only take so much from the sewer every post, so stay with us until next time...

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