Red or Blue? Less evil is who we are?

in #democrat6 years ago (edited)


I've always loved America. I loved the humor and laughter and generosity of American people. I loved the idea of freedom and diversity of this powerful country where everything is big. It was my dream to come here.

When I moved to America, I was a naive young girl. I had no knowledge of anything, but also no prejudice of any kind. I started to look around and observed.

I noticed people here are divided into Red or Blue.
I wanted to belong, so I needed to pick my color.

Some said blue is progressive and red is conservative, but some old habits are good and some bad, and some new habits are also good and some bad.

I wanted to fit in, so I needed to pick my color.
So I asked, which party doesn’t conduct wars?
I want to be on the side of peace.

They said, of course, but sometimes we all have to do what’s necessary. Not everything is in our control because of the oppositions from the other party.

oh, how proud they are for being blue or red, as if that’s their identity as a human being.

If your mom and dad are blue, then you’re likely become blue.
If you live in the middle of the continent far from the ocean, then you’re likely become red.
If your are not red or blue, then you’re just a waste of breath.


And then truth hits me.
Blue men kill, and Red men kill.
And I don’t want to kill nobody.

Both talk “Peace” and then glorify murder as the way to peace, while they go around globe killing people, animals and trees, leaving dirty oil and chemicals in the blue ocean and red ocean.

Making the inside job of 911 into the outside job, under the President of Red, and under the President of Blue, we attack seven countries one by one.

Making the richest nation in Africa where men and women were enjoying democracy, getting free education, free medical, free housing and so on, into the chaos of destruction, and now the once an abundant country became the state where people are sold as slaves for $400 each. That is one example of what we did to another country.

There are only miseries when we preach peace with weapons of violence.

There are no solutions while we fight among us.
Red and Blue point finger at each other to blame for all the miseries. No self reflection, just faulting the other party.

And the wars continue and the liberty and the freedom of the people are also taken away right here in America while people are too busy condemning each other.

And the boss, the real boss who owns both parties behind the scene smiles.

Why aren’t there any other colors in this land of the free?
Why do you have to give up hope for a world rooted with love and wisdom, just to stay blue and red to stay evil?

But I kept my silence for a long time because I wanted to belong like everybody else in this country. I was just a naive young girl.

Not any more.
Peace and Love. No Fear.




#Democrat #Republican #2partySystem is for #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #DeepState #war #GOP #DNC #Labels #resist #Peace #Love #GreenParty


@yukaonelove, enjoy the vote!

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