# Trump warned not to capsized against investigating Russia

in #democrat7 years ago

The opposition camp Democrats has warned President Donald Trump not to capsized the investigation against Russia by publishing a secret memo for allegations of political bias against the US intelligence agency FBI.

Using the controversial "emblem" of the controversial document as an excuse, senior Democrats have warned Trump to not overstep the Special Investigation Team investigating the Russian intervention in the US elections.

They say the memo can be used to dismiss the investigation officer Robert Muller of Russia or others involved in the investigation. And if this happens, the constitutional crisis may come up. As it was happen in the days of President Nixon

The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) is investigating the allegations of Russian intervention in the US elections in 2016. But the Trump administration has published a memo that Republicans wrote on Friday, alleging abuse of power against the FBI.

According to the BBC, Trump has approved the publication of the documents and said, what has been revealed through it is shameful.

The document has alleged that the FBI and the Judiciary are working with reports of unprotected issues and democrats-funded reports to get the jurisdiction to spy on the trump allies.

But the Democrats have complained that the document was published to bolster the investigation into allegations of tram camp and the Kremlin in the US elections.

The FBI warned not to publish the document before, and the document said that the key was omitted.

The Democrats say that publishing documents is a shameful attempt to undermine the reputation of the FBI and foil the investigation of Russia's intervention in the US elections.

In a statement, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, and minority leader Nancy Powelli of the House of Representatives, in addition to eight senior Democrats, warned that Trump Special Counsel Robert Mueller and deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein are trying to sack.

This kind of undesirable initiative is mentioned in an attempt to obstruct the judicial process in Russia investigation.

They say that such a move can create a constitutional crisis, which was during the time of the then US President Richard Nixon in the 1970s. At that time, Nixon ordered to dismiss judicial officers involved in the Watergate scandal.

The White House has said, however, that there will be no change in the judiciary and Rojenstein can continue his work.