What Goes Up Must Come Down

in #democrat4 months ago


Why Smart Americans Are Getting Second Passports Even As Third Worlders Flood The Zone For A Free Vote Democrat Often Phone Loaded With $2,500 in Bribes

Why do we vote for people who are setting up the USA for destruction?

Look at how insane the politicians have been since 1971, with a rare few years of balanced budgets in the late ‘90s under Clinton in fiscal combat with Newt Gingrich and his fiscal miracle Contract With America.

Evil D MFers slandered the ONLY THING that got us balanced budgets in 53 years the “Contract On America”. Those ass-holes should executed for treason.

Federal spending on interest will be over $1.2 trillion this year. What a waste. Federal debt is accumulating at the rate of $1 trillion every 100 days.

The arrow shows 1971.

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