The Global Tribe

in #democracy7 years ago

All humans belong to the same species: Homo Sapiens. There is no  significant distinction between people who developed in separate regions  around the world.  Some of the differences one sees, like color of  skin, shape of some facial features, size and hair style, are the  product of minor adjustments to local environments. Fundamentally, every  one of us share the basic biological configuration that is expressed  from DNA.  However, it is easily verifiable that this sameness or commonality  has not translated into a stable coexistence amongst humans. Our animal  instincts exist and have not changed much from those of other species  related to us. Our fight-or-flight response to danger, for example, is  the same as that of other mammals.   Another reality is that for most of our human history, geographic  distribution has played an important role in shaping our vision of  ourselves. People from the north adapted to the cold and witnessed  brutal living conditions. People from the tropics were blessed with  ideal living conditions, but confronted dangers not seen in the north,  like large lions and tigers. As people, we lived in our own little  tribes for millennia.  Around 150 thousand years ago, we developed the ability to speak.  This step-function in our evolution is a prime suspect as being the  catalyst that drove the development of our modern brain. With language  came many things. Many inventions, such as agriculture. The wheel.  Domestication of animals. But there is a singular event that put our  species into hyper-drive. This event was the invention of the steam  engine (Brynjolfsson, McAfee, 2015). This invention, for the first time,  gave humans almost infinite scalability of the force produced by their  muscles. This invention was the enabler of humanity’s first industrial  revolution.  Thus, as humans, we entered an era of massive change. Our ability to  disrupt our natural systems became unnatural.  Nature was no longer our  mother, she became our playground. Human curiosity continued to develop  and the thirst for the new took our species to extremes no other animal  could ever dream of. We became the species that could dream, and make  those dreams come true. We transcended our biological limitations by  harnessing the power of nature in ways no other being could do.  Adding impetus to this hyper-driving of our society, the advent of  computers, information technology and the internet opened the door to a  second industrial revolution: One of the mind. Now, humans can not only  leverage their muscles using machinery, but also can scale the power of  their minds using software, algorithms and computers.  While all these novel developments were occurring, people moved from  the farm to cities and established lifestyles heavily dependent on  machines. But our primal configuration or instincts that evolved over  millions of years did not change much. We are fundamentally the same  animal as were our human ancestors from thousands of years ago and  retain many of the social characteristics that helped us survive in  those early, rough years.  I believe the time has come for our social constructs to adjust to  the new technological reality and what it affords us. We are now a  global, predatory species with a conscience. We can use our ability for  rationality and our technological prowess to establish a new consensus  about our specie’s reason for existing. We are not just animals. We are  rational animals. We are self-aware and can talk about it with any other  human around the planet. We are in a league of our own.   Thus, the structures that helped us survive as a species prior to the  internet era are seemingly old and out of date. Religions, governments,  social constructs are now poised for change. How is it that we still  allow old, outdated institutions to organize how we live? One reason is  that we have not devoted enough time – as a community – to re-imagine  what it means to be human in what is now a global tribe.   If we focus on the fact that we are the same animal species living in  a rocky planet with water – the only one we know of that can sustain  life -- we can then begin to formulate a new story about our common  fate.  If people fundamentally believe we are equal beings and believe  that every human is a part of a global tribe, we can then engage all  humans in a dialog to articulate new foundational principles that will  govern our global tribe.  This is a global movement because we are a  global species.   This story must be intricately connected to mother nature. It has to  be, because our survival depends on it.  The components of this common  story are all too familiar, but I propose expressing them through the  voice of the global tribe.  Some of these components of the story are:    

  • No human is more important than other human, 
  • Humans have the right to participate on matters of their local community and the global tribe, 
  • Humans have the obligation to care for all children, as they are the future of the species, 
  • Humans have the obligation to respect elderly humans, as they are the bridge to the prosperity of future generations,
  • Humans have the obligation to live in harmony with other living beings, other humans and with nature and,
  • Humans have the obligation to respect the rights of other humans and living beings.

We can use Professor McDowell’s  Civic Design framework to craft, from these components, the story that  unites us. This common story is our catalyst or platform for action.


Let hope more people decide they want to be part of something great and love each other.

Yeah, I know. To me it is really puzzling seeing all this destruction and hatred when people are part of the same species. I love my family and love friends and strangers, and all living things. Obviously, there are bad people out there. However, these exceptions should not dictate how we operate. I believe we CAN transcend our "animality" and use our intelligence, but according to Chomsky and others, intelligence it is proving to be a lethal mutation

When the plan has been and continues to be to divide people but creating a false enemy there can not be harmony. We can not love and hate at the same time.

The lack of emotional intelligence is destructive. We all know the horrible feeling we have when we ignore our own EQ and continue on the spiral of self destruction.

A possible starting point would be to develop our and our children's EQ before pressuring them to have an outstanding IQ.
Just a thought.
What do you think?

I like this idea. Our growth is heavily dependent on our social context and surroundings.

Great post.... Global citizen reporting for duty! Have an awesome day!
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