Peelkhana genocide: Crisis 3 - Rumors of autopsy

in #democracy6 years ago


Dhaka is now the city of rumor. There are many types of air rumors flying in the air in the air. One of them is a campaign of a general army general who has spread everywhere through the Internet. This is an Army General email to various blogsAs mentioned, I have decided to address the campaign author as 'General' to facilitate the discussion, I am The email came to my notice only a few days ago. Sent a friend. I do not usually take this kind of 'extraordinary' campaign seriously. Even reading is also a waste of valuable time. Akash Kusum theory that I have taken for granted will not be a change in the mind of the educated at least. Because, such a bizarre theory has been preceded by the grenade attack on Sheikh Hasina's public rally on August 21. It was said that Sheikh Hasina had created the play itself; There were dozens of devastating grenades on the four sides of the drama! All over the country, when militants launched series bombings, the ruling class of coalition government was preaching whether it was 'the work of Indian Hindu militants'! When the Bengali brothers hanged alive people in the district of Uttarbang, were hanging on the tree, Khaleda-Nizami, the leader of the coalition government, has been trying to convince the people for almost two years, 'Bangla Bhai has no existence, he is the creation of the media'! It was as if I had read this campaign of General Sahib in the first place. I believed that the storm of so much suffering was overwhelmed by the nation that if we did not, we would have learned some things from the past. So I believed, at least in Bengal, at least such a bizarre campaign would not get water. But to my surprise, this bizarre theory has begun to sit on the ropes. Even some seemingly reasonable people of some opinion have also believed in the theory. The storm of so much sadness has spread over this nation that if we do not, we must have learned some things from the past, from the past. So I believed, at least in Bengal, at least such a bizarre campaign would not get water. But to my surprise, this bizarre theory has begun to sit on the ropes. Even some seemingly reasonable people of some opinion have also believed in the theory. The storm of so much sadness has spread over this nation that if we do not, we must have learned some things from the past, from the past. So I believed, at least in Bengal, at least such a bizarre campaign would not get water. But to my surprise, this bizarre theory has begun to sit on the ropes. Even some seemingly reasonable people of some opinion have also believed in the theory.

In fact, the advantage of any false propaganda may be found in this place. Put a pinch of truth with you in the truth, flutter it with the tide of propaganda, keep repeating the theory against theory, and if it is a little more intelligent then write it in English and print it. And if you add some general information to it, you can serve it by serial number, so do not talk! Does someone else in English lie? Again, after the military uniform? If it fails, then, as a last attempt, show it as a fight between two political forces or the two women's eternal conflict. It can be assured that most people will be troubled and say, 'whatever happens, it bites the two, we do not understand Bapu so much politics, I do not want to understand'. As a result, what is to be done, the truth will remain hidden, as it has been buried for 38 years. And in the silence of the grave, the souls of justice-deprived martyrs will cry out of death, we will never be heard; We will cross the rest of our lives by being a jumble or a sinner. I feel very busy even in the busyness that this campaign needs a post mortem investigation.

At the moment, a few issues are basically debates about all discussion forum:

(1) Whether the decision to not apply the power of the Prime Minister was wrong
(2) Whether the general amnesty declared the killers courageous and whether they had killed more by chance
(3) Whether too much time was taken against the incident,
(4) the government to enter the Peelkhana Whether the permission was needed
(5) whether the government itself had committed the initiative; Or has the main culprits given the chance to flee? [General's campaign is on the line, which comes a little later)

I'll look at the field-warmed questions and get time to post a post. But before that in the current post, I will only discuss the issue above 5, considering the potentially harmful effects of the e-mail campaign targeted.


Let's take a quick look at some of the above-mentioned characteristics before going to the general public's contents. The first thing that can be seen is the use of English language. With some paragraphs in the beginning of the campaign, the differences between the English language and the style of the middle paragraph make some difference. The first part, frustrating but true, is written in false English! It is like translating literally from Bengali to English in front of the dictionary, without any awareness of the original tone or coherence of language. Middle English is somewhat different, at least in style. In the end, the tendency to swear in the name of God in the morning ( 'What was said in this mail in the name of Allah is true!) It is to be noted, much like the Jamaat Shibir Hizb ut Tahrir's leaflet. In conclusion, my guess, the campaign email is probably the result of the combined efforts of more than one person.


General Saheb said:

Order # 1: Before 2002, only very average army officers were posted to BDR Those officers used to pass time and wait for retirement. The scenario was changed in late 2002, when the army began to pump in outstanding officers to BDR.

In the language of General Sahib, the matter became such that before 2002 (probably meant during the Awami League government) only the ineligible officers were given posting in the BDR. And, after 2002 (ie alliance government) postings are started on the border of good officers. Want to know, what is the source of this information? What really happened in reality? When Sheikh Hasina held a meeting with military officers at Senakunja, almost all the officers were sadly divided into how the posting promotion changes were recruited in the regime of both governments (see here Senkung's audio record: File # 6). However, our general said that all the recruitment of alliance government's government is good / correct. What is the difficulty of the reader to understand which General is the spokesperson of this coalition politically? In the meeting, only Sheikh Hasina and Begum Matia Chowdhury were present among the civilians; Still, do we have enough logical feeling to ask about who published the audio record of confidential meetings (and for what purpose) and why it was selected to publish some fragmented sections? Make the reader decide. In this context, a blogger comments:

How do the PM trust the army again with national security when his confidential conversations with the best and brightest of the army, the public security of the public due to the leak, the national security of the serious violation of our enemies the disorder and the vulnerability of a perception in the national army currently? (Here)


General Saheb claimed (without mentioning any formula again):

Order # 1: So, to guard our beloved land, army started pumping very good officers in BDR Before 2002, the BDR jawans were very rich through the earning of smuggling. Their sepoys and naiks and havilders had buildings and house After 2002, smuggling and its sharing by BDR jawans started coming down.

That is, he said: During the coalition government smuggling and smuggling were reduced. What evidence he has submitted for this 'extraordinary' theory? In his words 'Capture of smuggling figures, if you can manage, will be rightly proved that' . Here, in general, in a vague language, General Sahib, which is meant to mean that the number of caught smugglers (if anyone can find!) Supports the above claim! Wish to ask - did he find the numbers himself? When will you tell the people?

What is needed to be mentioned here is that General Saheb is sitting in a strange position to float in the party's agenda gadlika stream of conspirators. He did not understand or understand, trying to tell the people that the officers sent to the BDR from the BDR were highly corrupt and inefficient. (Although he tried to draw a slight difference between the previous and next officers of 2002). Let me explain a little bit. We know that BDR jawans and their DAD-R are working directly in the command of the army officers. So, if the BDR members are involved in corruption, that means - they also join the army officers in corruption. And the general rule of bribery and corruption is that the more senior officers are more likely to confuse them. Accordingly, if the jawans make a house, according to General Sahib's statement, Then the officers have to build more than one house. His other complaint is also very significant. Even if General Sahib's statement is true, then there is no shortage of ineligible and unskilled officers in the army. This is also the 'new news' for us. So should it be assumed that the lower qualified officers from the Military Academy are getting or getting the commission? Or, after the government's expense, the expensive training provided by the state at the cost of the poor is also being wasted, behind these officers who are ineligible?

The allegations raised by General Sahib are very serious. So I want to know that during the coalition government (when everything was in its proper language), 'What are the legal steps taken within the army against corruption' before officers' 2002? I think the countrymen want to know it for public interest and transparency. If enough steps are not taken in sufficient time during the coalition regime, then what about the anti-corruption of BNP-Jamaat, standing in line with the people in front? Or about the political satire of this alleged general - or is it true to us?

My curiosity is also to know: How can we see that many of our professional and responsible officers have been tried by the General who tried to extract a significant number of officers (2002-2002) officers as corrupt? These allegations are not mine, nor the media, myself, General Sahib himself. He is making a serious publicity against the army officers, through the sudden popular email. And I see many people in the army (understand or not understand) and circulate everywhere and circulate everywhere. Why am I refuting today? These are the allegations that they should refute, and let us know how effective this propaganda campaign is!


He also says:

Sequence # 2: Whenever there is an encounter with BSF, always we are the winner . . Bangladesh will not be able to win any one battle, they will always be in the loser's end and Bangladesh will not be able to pump in drugs, fake currency and other harmful things in Bangladesh. The DADs of BDR are the worst losers They are educated officers

Here is the hint that he wanted to return: Here is the 'India responsible' behind the Peelkhana incident. It is a very old curved warehouse used by the BNP-Jamaati-Razakar-Al-Badr. In this regard (one thing we have mentioned), we need to remember something about smuggling. That is, the state itself is the worst affected in smuggling. The reason is that the state is deprived of the tariff of billions of rupees. This is true in Bangladesh, as it is true in India, the same is true for India. Therefore, I do not see any reason for the democratic government of India to be so much enthusiastic to eliminate smuggling at the border. Heavy heavy doctrine is not only understood by anyone but also with savvy knowledge. In this case, it may be that he only wanted to blame the BSF (by showing the associates of the BDR's DAD), Not the entire Indian government. Yet the question remains. BSF came to the ground in a different country, so much big trouble? What were our intelligence companies doing?

The weakest part of this attempt to involve India is:

1) Politically, a friendly government with India is now in power in Bangladesh. Subject to negotiation with this government, they will be able to earn hundreds of thousands more money legally through five years of transit, if they are the main target. With the elimination of their valuable tariffs, they will suddenly become so overwhelmed to drive the BDR and their own BSF jawans home, why would they not even be left behind to kill even a bigger scale for this? We all know that the Indian government is now in favor of transit BDR's late DG Major General Shakil Ahmed himself was also in favor of transit and transshipment (read this article from Defense Staff College). Our present government is also not against such a step. Where all parties agree, why would the Indian government take the risk of an international scandal that is not in a legitimate way? It is hard for me to believe that the army's wise officers and the people of this country can be forgotten by saying these misread stories nowadays!

2) I have a theory about why this group tries to show Indian poker repeatedly to the people. The biggest advantage of blaming the powerful Indian state is that we can not judge them even if we want to. Because, if a state could be tried in this way, then today the United States and Britain's heads of government were living in Afghanistan and Iraq. Another great advantage of bringing India's poker to the fore is: Once the complaint is going to be lost in the crowd of complaints, and the main culprits will go away forever. What a nice! India-hatred was also spreading, it was also saved from being punished for wrongdoing.

3) Look at the Pakistani side of the side of the paddle of this group. The group of our country (this general who is suspected of being a follower now) but never wrongfully committed any wrongdoing, never did any finger at Pakistan, ISI or religious fundamentalist groups, who had direct participation in '71 and '75 Behind every criminal conspiracy (see here , here and here ) Our General Sahib, even though his long email was for the sake of the possibility of at least one place, he did not even raise the question for a time. Why? In 1971, the group of innocent unarmed men and women in mass killings, rape and torture (1971) contain which group? India? Pakistan or their collaborator Razakar Al-Badar militants?


General Saheb claimed:

Order # 5: RAB arrives at Pilkhana gate at about 10am and ready to move in Home Ministry said a stubborn "No".
Troops of Mirpur Cantt and Dhaka Cantt arrives at Pilkhana by 11:30 am They want to go in Again a big "No"

It is not understood what the preacher was saying by the "No No" and "Big No" to hear. There may be many reasons for deciding the time and situation behind a "yes" or a "no" decision, it can be explained. They may be from 'logical', 'probable' to 'completely unreasonable', 'unlikely', 'bizarre', and 'Matlabi'. Each of them likes each other and looks at the power of their rational judgment. Someone accepts the most acceptable explanation, and someone makes the most bizarre. There are many things that are clear about the person from whom he wants to express himself. Such as: his political outlook, the lack of respect for the process of democratic decision-making (or lack thereof), prolonged racial prejudice, opportunistic attitude, tendency to seduce, vulnerability / susceptibility to the second part of capitalized conspiracy, A very high opinion about our own intelligence ('we understand best' kind of complexity), as well as the representatives of the representatives of the public representatives (the direct evidence of some army officers with the Prime Minister of 15 crores in the meeting of Senakunja). This is an incident from which we can learn a lot about the General General of Pracharak!

He explained several times about why Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina repeatedly said 'no' to the question of military attack. Not only that, many of the senior military officers, who already started from the released army officer, explained the logic of the decision in light of the situation. All the experts agree with all the approaches that the child will be agreeing, hopefully, the boys. I will say this about his decision that it has been praised everywhere including the common people, intellectuals, foreign diplomatic corps of this country. Even Jamaat-e-Islami was the first to support this decision (link)After the change of the air before switching! RAB and the army's immediate tactical capability, their lack of preparation and resources, lack of prior experience in dealing with this situation, lack of adequate time for viable tactical operation plans, the possibility of the death of the remaining hostage officers, their family as a human shield and the shield of ordinary BDR jawans The possibility of using as much as possible, in the densely populated areas around the country, Concept, armed rebellion across the country does not want to decide - so there may be many reasons, and it was. I feel a little uncomfortable to explain it to the experienced experienced general. The army, which has so many intelligence agencies, even after the size of the Intelligence Falileo, the army was filled with urban tanks, APCs ( even those who were not even close to their hands)) Any democratic political government will think twice before letting romance with the troupe, that is logical. We also expect the public to have this wisdom to the government. As the government has the responsibility of protecting the life of the Peelkhana and the people of the Peelkhana, the government has a great responsibility for the protection of democracy in favor of 15 crore people. If the democratic government opened the risk of creating another '75 in the midst of a very dark situation (such an encounter with such great intelligence fiasco), with their own ambiguity, would we forgive the people any day? Similarly, it would be apathetic if the military expedition was widespread. Detailed discussion about this was posted in my next post "Peelkhana Genocide: The Crisis 4 - The Investigation of the Debate" . So I'm not going to avoid it again.

If the BDR rebels had killed more people (according to General Saheb) if they were desperate due to general apology and timing, then how many such officers and men and women came out alive from there? They were at the hands of these jawans! Others were found dead, why they were not killed? Because the bullet ran out? Or the killers wanted to save their lives and assist in the investigation process so that with the help of living officers, it is possible to record the details of the killers and their activities !! General Saheb wanted to understand that?

As I mentioned above, I believe General Sahib himself also knows it. Still knowing what kind of color she wants to color the government's "no" decision, is actually the main question. In the campaign, a clear attempt to involve the newly elected government with this planned massacre is noticed. There are three major gaps in this scandalous theory against the government:

1) When this incident happened, the government did not complete its two months. Yet, this government is busy taking the responsibilities of the various departments and institutions. In such a situation, when the government's own soil under the feet is not strong, why would they risk to create such a serious national crisis? Even the killing of all the officers of the army, with the risk of making the entire defense army extremely excited? And the government had a chance to know that the members of the army would not step in the way of any coup that would find the news of killing and persecution of their relatives?

2) If the main purpose of the massacre is to make the army and the border guard of the BDR truncated or weak (the theory that some very intelligent are currently preaching), but is that the conspiracy that the government needs to implement this way? It is to be remembered that the present government has formed the government with absolute public support. Legally, he has the power that the representatives of this government can change the constitution if he wants, without any legal restrictions. If the government aims to weaken the BDR and the army or the country's defense system, there are more than 100 ways to implement it. By reducing allocation, the officer frees, By means of transfers, it can be easily done without any kind of doubt. And in the same way the government is still in the hands of the whole five years to achieve the objective. Why is the government in such a risky and stubborn way to keep themselves in such a way?

3) Regardless of how careful it is, all the offenses leave some formula. They all came out in the right investigation. And this is an offense, which can be destroyed by fifteen million people in the light of day and dozens of people in front of the media (or even thousands) can be said to be involved in the crime, is it possible to remove all the sources? We all know that it is not possible. It is compelling to find all the sources in the investigation. It is to be noted here that the law and order and the investigation agencies for the last seven days were under the control of other political forces who had poured it with their loved ones from the top to the bottom. In the first 5 years, these companies have been arranged for the first five years of the alliance (BNP) government, and the last two years has been done by the caretaker government. From all the investigators to the bottom where the opponent's political power is arranged,


He says:

Order # 5: Govt sends nanok and others and they enter courageously in BDR Pilkhana and they are not held hostage. Night comes sahara and nanok enter BDR and all lights are off. sahara visits families of army officers without nanok as seen on TV channels through BTV footage. She does not, we repeat DOES NOT meet any army officer of BDR

Sahara Khatun unarmed to negotiate with the armed jawans. When the aggressive armed forces are engaged in bargaining with (some men and women's men in their wrist), then what should Sahara Khatun have to look for officers to see? General Saheb is saying this? Even after that, he tried to bring his family home to the house till the dawn.


He also says:

Order # 5: This WAS BASASE AT THAT TIME BDR WAS COMPLETING THE TOTAL KILLING OF ALIVE OFFICERS AND THIER FAMILIES UNDER THE EYES OF NANOK AND MASS GRAVES WERE BEING PREPARED. Please refer to the Ntv special with major Mokarram on 28th evening. He said that he heard the voice of the minister when he was surrounded by the BDR gunmen.

So if true, then Major Mokarram himself survived? What a bizarre general campaign! In this regard, here, and hereSee. General Saheb says murder, burial carving etc happened in front of Nanak and the Home Minister's eyes! What a ridiculous thing! If they are criminals, why would they be standing there without leaving the venue as soon as possible? For genocide and grave supervision? What was the lack of people in the rebels to do that? Being involved in the incident as the person himself (according to General Saheb) why would you want to stay in the scene? A powerful executive, a minister and a state minister (who can get many things in power in five years), why do they do a job that is in danger of ministration, life and independence? BDR BSF jawans (according to the above general reason) to drive the house? Ij Noor Mohammad was also present with the Interior Minister on the spot. So, what is the general sahib trying to mean, IG also killed the assassination, The grave engraving and killing of the killers involved in the process of fleeing, or on the part of the defendant had his mutual support! (Although we know his own daughter's husband is one of the first victims of this murder!)


He said (again, without proof of any source or information):


General himself complained that at the top one point that thousands of BDR members have already escaped. According to the recorded Senkunge tape, 7,000-9000 BDR jawans were present in Peelkhana. The number 5 and many places of the bogey of the killers and the majority of BDR jawans have fled to the safety of complaining. Whereas thousands of BDR members are not at risk at any risk, they can easily run away without any other risks, with the other way, with the risk of sharp surveillance of all media by running non-military ambulances, 32 main killers will have to flee in front of thousands of people. Again, under the active supervision of the Home Minister? Did you have any problem in getting away with the number 5 along with others? And '32 killers' - Where did this guy know from the General? How did you know Whether the killers escaped, Whether they were allowed to flee, whether the main reason for the arrest of the offender, or the purpose of avoiding bleeding, was that thousands of debates could arise on whether the real killers had the possibility of getting alive at the time of a military operation. Until we get the result of the investigation, it is difficult for us to make a decision. Concerned questions can be asked, even after the survivors of the killers (according to General's allegations), there has been a lot of damage to the investigation? What is the speed of progress and investigation of the arrest and detention of the accused in this time? Do you think the killers survived? Or, is it still impossible to catch the original conspirators? Thousands of debates will arise on those issues - whether there is any possibility of real killers to get alive at the military operation. Until we get the result of the investigation, it is difficult for us to make a decision. The question can be raised, even after the survivors of the killers (according to General Saheb's allegations) have there been such a loss of investigation? What is the speed of progress and investigation of the arrest and detention of the accused in this time? Do you think the killers survived? Or, is it still impossible to catch the original conspirators? Thousands of debates will arise on those issues - whether there is any possibility of real killers to get alive at the military operation. Until we get the result of the investigation, it is difficult for us to make a decision. The question can be raised, even after the survivors of the killers (according to General Saheb's allegations) have there been such a loss of investigation? What is the speed of progress and investigation of the arrest and detention of the accused in this time? Do you think the killers survived? Or, is it still impossible to catch the original conspirators?Here , see here and here .

After this he says:

Order # 5: Nanok in a media briefing in front of Pilkhana declares that "It was a big conspiracy" and lakh millions of taka distributed in Pilkhana. "DEAR MEDIA, HE WAS RIGHT. BECASE EACH DAD WORKING AT PILKHANA GOT TK 25 LAC between 22 and 24th February, distributed by nanok's men.

Remember that General Sahib wrote this email a few days ago. The initial investigation of the case was not started as yet. At such a time, where did this general statement about 25 million rupees from General Sahib? How did you know? As you know, without delay, he should have given these information instead of giving information to the concerned investigating officers. It would be useful to investigate, if he wanted it at all. In this case, if he did not trust the original investigation, he could at least give the 'extraordinary' information to the army's own investigation committee!


He concludes:

Order # 7: BCS officers in BDR, and no officer from army, will sure that another Rakhi Bahini could be in making.

General Sahib, please think of something new. Do not think the people of all the countries have the knees in the knees. See the above.

Conclusion: In

this series, I tried to give an in-depth indication of who could suspect the incident in the post as a source of investigation, saying:

The main people responsible for the incident are now naturally anxious. Because, things like their plan did not move, at least it seems still. There are other obvious simple ways to mark them. They may now try to force the nation to look back at a specific third force for this incident. . . The underground rumor spreads.

I never thought that the suspicion would become so fast in reality.

As a common man, the army does not understand the many complex issues. But know about the cardinal rule of the study of the methodology of research. It is: If there is no clear lie in the presented analysis and based on all those analyzes, then they question the whole thesis. In that sense, even after mentioning so much about the public of the alleged general secretary, whoever wants to believe in it and wants to say "absolute truth" to him (yes readers, diversified but also such a reference, in favor of this campaign). That's their preference. I would be sorry to see their irrationality, prejudice, opacity of thought and the infinite power and belief in the ageless story.

Before concluding, I could not resist the temptation to give some general advice to this general sahib. Firstly , if I have to do a lie, then I will request him to take God's name and make him swear by doing so he should not insult the devout people of the country. I have heard that there is one way to recognize the hypocrite - that is, in the words, by oath in the name of Allah . Even in Christianity it has been said that - "You do not take the Lord's name in vain . Secondly:Since General Sahib wrote his remarkable theory to the common people of the country, it would have been much more effective if it was written in Bengali instead of English. At least, writing at a different language, he did not have to be embarrassed to see the shameful mistakes that he made linguistic mistakes (seeing a general language and the quality of intellect). I remember the words of Rabindranath's teacher - I want Bengali language for the first time, after that the school of English education ! I hope that General Sahib remembers the time of his forthcoming campaign.


Don't beleive in Rumors

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