ZeroDesign & Syntax Error on a sunday

in #demo4 years ago (edited)

plz at least honour it with 1080p ...

its nothing to boast about but before i knew the day had passed , heh ...

and i got my snazzy dropper working

yay ho, greetz to the great for being lifelong inspiration

i hope i feel worthy one day to make a real #demo

yes i can see the UV-map is not in place ... but i doubt thats the obj. creators doing - ... i wasnt gonna but since i did i might as well post it heh

snazzy dropper

maybe it'll be a full-grown demo when i grow up and live not in belgium with my cats and money still attached to me

but thats only gonna work if i make it out before i turn 40

wagh ...

too late ...

radeon gpu thats probably older than you were when you first heard crypto lol ... but its a nice benchmarker and the application wont do more than 60fps anyway, so ...

and so and so ... i like totally wasnt gonna and now its almost 5 pm and i probably totally mist bob & doug arriving at the ISS

this is history, kids ... the likes of which this century hasnt seen

PRIVATE space-flight ... forget the american bit, they just need that right now, they need it direly, take it as the fact humanity can actually do something right sometimes

not that i want to under/score their achievement - THEY did it ... but i still feel space would be served better with co-op than with a race between nations ... we could be in orbit around pluto if they shook hands at kennedies back then

but well ...

this is gud ... REALLY GUD !!!!, lik e REAAAAAAAAAALLLLY GUD

so no complaining i guess (now heres hoping nothing bad happened since i wanst watching i was doing this ...)


.ulz ..

heh ... i don't know ... i was just gonna nothing because i feel like shit with a head of air, like someone diluted my brain - must be something in the water again -

but the absolute impact of this thing : PRIVATE space-flight , doesnt sound like it ?

im not sure how many exclusivity contracts SpaceX has with the CIA , i mean the USA but the price, actually was less than a dinner party with Warren Buffett and Justin Sun ... in effect those two could pay for the same thing with the spare change they have , heh ... while Boeing almost got double and so far got nowhere

but thats what i read i havent been digging

so thats P R I V A T E spaceflight actually,

so now we just need

steem to make us all some billions and we can make elon happy
and nasa fat

unless the ESA pulls one off here ?

... ***

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