Learn to cook Chinese food

in #delicious8 months ago

Hello everyone
Yesterday I decided to try making a famous Chinese dish called "Tomato and Egg Stir-fry". It is a simple yet delicious Chinese dish that is very common on family dining tables in China. This dish goes particularly well with steamed rice, and I would like to share with you how to make this classic dish and my experience of trying it out.
Firstly, let's gather the ingredients we need. We will need fresh tomatoes and eggs. Choose ripe, vibrant red tomatoes for the best color and taste. It is also advisable to use fresh eggs with plump yolks to enhance the texture of the dish.
Now, let's start making the Tomato and Egg Stir-fry. Begin by washing the tomatoes and cutting them into small pieces. Then, crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them until well mixed. Heat a pan and add a suitable amount of cooking oil. Once the oil is hot, pour the beaten eggs into the pan and quickly stir-fry them with a spatula until they are fully cooked.
Once the eggs are cooked, add the diced tomatoes to the pan and continue stir-frying. At this point, you can add salt and sugar according to your taste preferences to adjust the flavor of the dish. You can also add some minced green onions, ginger, and garlic to enhance the aroma. During the stir-frying process, it's important to control the heat - too high heat can overcook the tomatoes and eggs, while too low heat can result in uncooked dish. Therefore, it is best to use medium to low heat, maintaining an appropriate temperature. When the tomatoes and eggs are fully cooked, turn off the heat.
Finally, transfer the cooked Tomato and Egg Stir-fry onto a plate, and sprinkle some chopped green onions as garnish. Now you have a beautifully colorful and flavorful Tomato and Egg Stir-fry ready to serve.In conclusion, Tomato and Egg Stir-fry is a simple yet delicious Chinese dish. By using fresh ingredients and mastering the technique of stir-frying, we can create a dish that is visually appealing and bursting with flavors. Additionally, tomatoes are known for their health benefits such as aiding digestion, regulating blood pressure, and promoting skin health, while eggs are beneficial for liver protection, brain health, and maintaining good vision. I hope you all give it a try. It may take some practice to perfect the dish, so I recommend watching videos and experimenting. Always prioritize safety and avoid attempting it alone if you are underage.
Do you enjoy Chinese cuisine? If so, I appreciate your support and would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Thank you!

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