Beijing Roast Duck: Chinese Delicious

in #delicious5 years ago

In 1864, Quanjude, the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing, was also opened, and the technology of roast duck developed into the era of "hanging oven". It is roasted with fruit and wood fire and has a special fragrance. It not only makes the roast duck fragrant for thousands of miles, but also makes the "Beijing roast duck" replace the "Nanjing roast duck". The "Jinling skin duck" can be seen on the menus of several southern big cities such as Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Guangzhou.
Beijing Roast Duck pays attention to crisp skin and tender meat, fat but not greasy. But the real connoisseur is very picky about the pot of red halogen offered in the shop. The ducks in the shop are roasted well or not, which can be guessed by looking at the sales, but the taste of the old brine is not right, but you have to have a taste of it. Open oven roast duck, duck cavity must be watered. Once the6a63f6246b600c33f4b23db81a4c510fd8f9a1f3.jpg duck is cooked, this bag of juice is also fresh. When it's hot, pouring honey brine into soup juice, pouring sugar, rice vinegar and salt into it, adding a drop of soy sauce is not a skill. The old red soup brine served out is called authentic. [2]
Peking duck is a kind of high-quality meat duck in the world, that is, a kind of white duck fattened by feeding method, so it is called "stuffed duck". Not only that, Peking duck was introduced to Europe and the United States a hundred years ago, and its breeding was astonishing. As a result, Beijing duck, as a high-quality breed, has become a world-famous duck species for a long time. Beijing Roast Duck is roasted with peculiar fruit charcoal fire in Beijing, which has a unique taste.
"Beijing Roast Duck" includes hanging oven roasting, stewing oven roasting and fork roasting. Hanging oven roasting and stewing oven roasting are the most common. The difference between hanging oven roasting and stewing oven roasting is that the former is generally fueled by hard fruit trees such as jujube, peach and apricot, while the latter is roasted by dark fire when the oven door is closed. Beijing stuffed duck is selected as the roast duck. It is fed forcibly until about four kilograms. After six or seventy days of stuffing, the roast duck can weigh up to three kilograms. It has the characteristics of strong body and thin skin. It is especially suitable for roasting. Peking duck was originally raised in the river of Yuquan mountain yarn. It does not freeze in winter. It drinks mineral water and eats mineral fish, shrimp and aquatic grass.
"Beijing Roast Duck" can be eaten in a variety of ways, most suitable for rolled in lotus leaf cake or sandwiched in hollow sesame cake, and according to personal preferences with appropriate seasonings, such as onion, sweet paste, garlic paste and so on. If you like sweet food, you can eat it with white sugar. You can also eat it with cucumber sticks and green radish sticks according to the season, so as to relieve the greasy taste. Sliced duck skeleton with Chinese cabbage or wax gourd soup, do not have flavor. Roasted duck, even bone cut into 0.6 cm wide, 4.5 cm long duck pieces, and then pour the whole sauce, can also serve as a cold dish.
Fatty acids in duck meat have low melting point and are easy to digest. It contains B vitamins, vitamin E and many other vitamins, more than other meat, can effectively resist beriberi, neuritis and a variety of inflammation, but also anti-aging. Duck meat is rich in nicotinic acid, which is one of the two important coenzymes of human flesh, and has protective effect on patients with heart disease such as myocardial infarction.
Duck meat is cold, sweet and salty. It is the main tonifying agent, nourishing the Yin of the five Zang organs, clearing the heat of deficiency labor, nourishing blood and water, nourishing stomach and nourishing body fluid, relieving cough and self-startle, and eliminating snail stings.
Next time we'll talk about Beijing Roast Duck.9c16fdfaaf51f3de35729c8794eef01f3b297914.jpgfaedab64034f78f074d8c3217e310a55b2191c14.jpg728da9773912b31b83a62e598618367adbb4e1fc.jpgfaedab64034f78f074d8c3217e310a55b2191c14.jpg

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