There's a reason why I seldom use the words "oppression" or "oppressors" in regard to anything.

in #definition10 months ago


Words like "tyranny" and "authoritarian" are much cleaner regarding what I'm usually talking about. You can have a tyrannical mindset as the leader of a nation, as a CEO, or as a college student living off of Ramin. What you can't be is somebody in any of those positions if you genuinely support free expression and free people.

"Oppressor" is often used by people to describe people who are more successful than they are. It's a word used commonly by people who know jack-shit about economics, and think that anybody's success comes at the expense of others. The the millennia old hatred toward "Middleman Minorities" as Thomas Sowell once put it.

The words "oppression" and "oppressors" could be far more useful if they weren't contaminated with intersectional, often racist bullshit.

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