Telefy Worlds first credit score oriented multi chain DEFI solution

in #defi2 years ago


The industry offers a wide range of crypto solutions in the field of Decentralized Finance (DEFI), enabled by blockchain technology. However, it is difficult to find a one-stop solution that can be utilized for various blockchain models, which aims to solve many problems related to DEFI. The main aim behind Telefy is to deliver various DEX, Lending, Launchpads, NFT solutions with Tele Score enabled across multiple blockchains and by which to empower the DEFI market and generate revenue generation opportunities from it.

Why use TeleFy
The current DEFI market capital is over USD 150 Billion and there is a potential opportunity for the DEFI market to reach sky-high growth rates faster. Estimated average DEX volume per month varies in the spectrum from USD 70 billion to USD 165 billion in 2021 (as depicted in the graph below), guaranteeing a significant growth jump in the years to come. UniSwap and Aave market capital was approximately USD 15.8 billion and USD 3 billion, respectively, in the first week of January 2022. Telefy, with benchmark offerings to market around multi-chain DEX, lending, NFT, Tele-Pad and Tele-Scoring solutions, can generate extraordinary opportunities and market capital that exceeds expectations.


    Tele Swap is a multi-chain protocol that allows users to exchange coins, adding liquidity using AMM (Automated Market Maker).

    Tele Lend is a multi-chain and automated lending protocol that allows users to lend or borrow using Tele Score.

    Tele Score is a multi-chain protocol that can be programmed to effectively calculate a user's creditworthiness, based on their holdings, transaction history and several other relevant parameters.

    Tele PAD is a multi-chain model that supports initial DEX (IDO) offerings for users holding TELE Coin stake. Tele launch PAD will be available on Telefy to run any IDO. The launch of this PAD is a multi-cross chain and therefore users who install TELE coins can participate in the IDO. The IDO launch PAD project will be rigorously evaluated based on different parameters and by the Telefy team. Tele scores will be determined and shared before IDO goes live. 10% protocol fee will be collected by launchpad and will be distributed to users who stake TELE coins. Tele PAD will run IDO launches on Ethereum, Binance, Matic, PolkaDot, Cardano, Solana, etc.

    Tele NFT is a multi-chain NFT marketplace where you can buy or sell NFT. Tele NFT protocol fees will be shared among users who stake TELE. Telefy will launch its own NFT marketplace where you can buy or sell NFT. Tele scores will be calculated for traders who trade on the Tele NFT platform as well. The Tele NFT protocol charges a 0.27% fee which will be distributed to users staking TELE coins. NFT Marketplace will be available on TeleFy on multiple blockchains which include Ethereum, Binance, Matic, PolkaDot, Cardano, Solana, etc.


TeleFy, in a nutshell, presents a way to associate an unbelievable tele score, i.e. a credit score for each wallet. The Tele-Score service comes together with the Telefy platform which determines the creditworthiness of each wallet and generates the most suitable interest rates for users who take advantage of the loan pool. Tele-Score will be published as a microservice, which is open source and can be utilized by any exchange or user interested in using the service. Tele Score could be a transformational service that could change the way most DEFI solutions on the market today, by dividing users into categories based on date of joining the DEFI chain and other credentials. Again, repeating the point that,

DEFI is an emerging technology and works seamlessly for many financial solutions and certainly helps significantly to get rid of the third parties and middlemen involved in the old model. It was observed, however, that the lack of knowledge in accumulating the creditworthiness of users using this platform, could potentially lead to end users paying inappropriate interest rates. As of today, most DEFI solutions work on a Lending Pool (LP). The interest rate is flat (20%) or very dynamic based on the utilization ratio. In addition, users who hold or trade coins in DEFI are not benefited by any credits. In addition, the existing platforms offer one of the crypto solutions such as DEX, LP, NFT, and Launch Pad, but not all of them.

TeleFy Wallet
The very successful Tele Lend protocol allows users to lend or borrow using Tele Credit scores. Users with low or zero transactions in the wallet will get a low Tele score and hence will be charged a higher interest rate whereas users with number of transactions, holdings etc. higher, will get a good Tele score which significantly reduces the interest rate.

As of today, most DEFI solutions work on a Lending Pool (LP). The interest rate is flat (20%) or very dynamic based on the utilization ratio. In addition, users who hold or trade coins in DEFI are not benefited by any credits. In addition, the existing platforms offer one of the crypto solutions such as DEX, LP, NFT, and Launch Pad, but not all of them.

#DeFi #TeleFy #DEX #cryptocurrency #Ethereum #BinanceSmartChain
#Bitcoin #Airdrop #polkadot #MATIC #Polygon STELE #Cardano #ETH

For More Information:

Author : Tpower19
Bitcointalk :;u=3386675
My ERC -20 Wallet Address : 0x6e5836aCaEA8BE5fECb773EA4EdFEf933f4c29f8

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BTC 60670.43
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SBD 2.51