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RE: Pffft DeFi can suck a dick

in #defi4 years ago

you've been a citizen of Crypton long enoug to know the marketeers will milk out any magic word . The old "no more banks and government control not the least of it" ...
they even have one thats worth more than bitcoin now , all sold on pure air ... its sales, not revolution , the elder Cryptons have long since moved beyond the rim - innovation is far to be sought

i just stoppred reading on it long ago and if anything gets big enough im sure the exchanges will list it.

Ofcourse for ppl with goldrush you WANT a few SSD's with wallets with 100k of each "just in case" lol

99% pump and dump

what's new since the dawn of time ? suckers are getting suckered by salespitch spouted by fuckers who sound like they know what they're saying

and then when the curtains close

and they go have a cocktail , a pound of coke and some hi class escorts while thinking of the 'next big thingr' which is the last old thing with a new leetspeek word on it

dont lose sleep over it with the coming of the chinese state-crypto and the american dollar crypto we will all soon enough be counterfeit-criminals anyway

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