Xircus - Unleash the power of decentralized NFT marketplaces

in #defi3 years ago



Did you know, the cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly and this has made it a major financial asset, an object of intense interest and speculation around the world. The economy failed and this has made crypto holdings a necessity as a hedge against inflation.
Less than a few years ago, it was difficult to buy cryptocurrency, but this has changed in recent years. There are many crypto exchanges that now support crypto services to users, with some having a localized presence. And day by day new projects are created based on new applications like NFTs and Defi. Today I am going to discuss here an interesting project specially optimized for Defi Applications and NFTs.


Xircus is the first multi-chain gamified platform that will allow users to create and expand custom NFT markets. Xircus users can create a personalized NFT trading platform for free. Powerful, unique and automated tool that empowers artists, influencers, content creators, collectors and brands by enabling them to create a personalized NFT marketplace, Xircus is a pan-dimensional gateway to the non-exchangeable world of digital assets. Our decentralized software as a service (DSaaS) model makes the platform accessible to everyone. It is an easy, secure, time efficient and cost effective way to develop a private marketplace for your NFT.


No development experience required to implement your own NFT marketplace where makers and collectors can buy and sell their NFT items

Building and securing technology infrastructure is expensive, time-consuming, and messy if not done right. building complex smart contracts can also add to the cost. We just provided it for you.

Grow your market locally with global reach, we help cross-promote with other markets to introduce the culture and creativity of different countries and regions

Spread your community NFT marketplace locally and welcome creators and collectors from your community, other NFT marketplaces and from the world

Use any standard ERC20/BEP20 token, pair it with some stable token from the decentralized exchange of your choice like PancakeSwap for BSC and Uniswap for Ethereum

Choose from the available user interfaces we provide, customize and configure the feel and look of your community NFT marketplace

Integrate our frontend library with your existing codebase written in React, NextJS, Vue and Angular to connect with our platform


Why Xircus Stands out ?

Privacy First Authentication — Xircus developed its own Authentication API so users can easily sign-in anonymously using a unique nonce that is encrypted by the wallet.
Better Infrastructure — Xircus built infrastructure on the top of high speed and dedicated servers that are capable of handling millions or even tens of millions of requests per minute. Xircus added a cloud firewall to ensure that illegal DDOS attacks can be blocked instantly.
Developer Friendly — Xircusare building frontend libraries to integrate with your existing codebase in React, NextJS, Vue, and Angular. And adding support for e-commerce systems such as Shopify, Magento, and Woocommerce.

Platform for Creating NFT Marketplaces :

Joe is a content producer who is currently securing and trading his digital material with NFT tokens. However, when more individuals acquire his NFT tokens, Joe is considering creating his own NFT marketplace to enable various customer transactions. But Joe lacks the necessary skills and expertise to launch his own NFT marketplace. Xircus recognized this issue and sought to give customers with a simple and effective platform for creating NFT marketplaces. Users may launch their unique NFT markets in only a few minutes, whether they are artists, influencers, content providers, collectors, or brand , may set up their own NFT markets in a matter of minutes.


Xircus is a solution for consumers who have seen a tiny amount of their revenue disappear due to third-party NFT markets. Because, as is well known, most third-party NFT markets impose fees for each NFT token transaction made by a user. Users can prevent this by forming their own NFT marketplace and reclaiming what is rightly theirs.

Tokenomics :

Xircus contains two tokens that will be used to fund the platform’s operation and development. These are the Xircus Marketplace Token (XMT) and the Xircus DAO Tokens (XIRCUS). The XMT token will be used for markets and will be coupled with a stable token. In addition, XIRCUS tokens will be utilized as tokens for upgrading, voting, staking, subscribing, and feature proposing, with built-in DeFi capabilities that allow holders to earn XMT while holding. It is anticipated that Xircus will continue to develop in the future with the help of these two tokens.

Xircus Roadmap :

The Xircus project began in Q1 2021 with the creation of smart contracts, wallet integration, DeFi features, stablecoin integration, DAO governance, a decentralized marketplace, and functioning prototypes. In addition, the team will begin developing DeFi tokens, XMT tokens for marketplaces, cross-chain integration, marketplace deployer, static deployer, ERC721 collection deployer, ERC1155 collection deployer, subdomain provisions via xircusnft.com, core platform completion, testnet launch, and launchpad creation in Q2 2021. In addition, in Q3 2021, the team will conduct a public soft launch, three token sale stages, a mainnet launch, music features for music-related marketplaces, influencer features, an initial dex offering, Graph protocol integration, onboarding 500 ringmasters and dApps, a complete special collection deployer and contracts, and upgradeable Music UI and Sport UI Marketplace themes. Finally, in Q4 2021, the team will create WASM contracts for Solana, Flow, and Near, release a mobile app V1 with a crypto wallet and AR capabilities, launch the Xircus NFT TV App, onboard 2500 ringmasters, cross-promote markets, and add new marketplace themes.


Conclusion :

When we look at the crypto world in general, many projects appear day in and day out as the funds are exhausted and inactive and continue their activities in ongoing projects. However, we can see that most of these projects are defi based or considered as nft. Some of them try to continue their activities with a combination of both defi and nft. But, as a rule, most of them end in failure. Especially for people with mixed faces, we face this more and more often. When we look at the current state of the crypto market at the moment, investors are inclined to abandon projects and invest in such platforms seriously.

The special feature of Xircus is full support for NFT and cross-chain Defi. Xircus allows NFT holders to be more powerful with their NFT, just not collectible, users can put their NFT as collateral in lending and borrowing app and can borrow some tokens Notice can be replaced to use other defi strategy. In general, when looking at the market as a whole, we find that many emerging projects are anonymous, although we certainly do not recommend investing in anonymous projects, knowing more functionality like the name people, activities, what they will do will always be useful. , Where are they from.

Follow Xircus, and we will keep you posted.
Website: https://xircus.app
Telegram announcements: https://t.me/xircusnft
Telegram group chat: https://t.me/xircusNews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xircusnft
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xircusnft
Medium: https://xircus.medium.com/
author : darioc
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=138615
Wallet : 0x333963577Ab92CE275C153eBc6D225E41e850CC0
#xircusnft #nft #BSC #BinanceSmartChain #Binance #PancakeSwap #DeFi #Bitcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain


Thanks for introducing me to an interesting project. I will definitely check it out 👍

Very interesting and informative, thank you!

The project overview is very interesting. Thank you!

For starters, this is just what it takes to get comfortable!

Fascinating, but I still want to know more about it.

Interesting review. On a note, be sure.

Very interesting and informative, thank you!

Thanks for the review, as always, and I really enjoyed the project!

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