Wistful Wednesday -Selections by Serena - (deep thinkers handpicked from the blockchain)

in #deepthoughts6 years ago (edited)

I'm lost in the sea. I'm walking through the forest at night. It's foggy. I hear owls. I'd love some company. I am lonely. That is my mood. Actually, I've been very much in the mood for "Stranger Things." Lately I've been marathoning it on Netflix. Watched both seasons almost entirely twice. Rare. I can't wait for Season 3 in October. I haven't been this obsessed with a show since Gilmore Girls.

In case you missed it yesterday, this week I'm doing a bit of curating on my own and sharing my finds with you. Monday was music. Tuesday I skipped because .. well, LIFE. Today is for deep thoughts. Dark ones, even. If I've featured you here, please know that it is a high compliment, and that I really enjoy your writing and anything else you've shared.

©2018 @paintingangels (s.matthews)

If you're here to see what I've found, I'm gonna have to ask you to go dark with me. Can you do that? These entries are not light-hearted, they are drenched with deep emotions and they are not to be read quickly. If you don't have time to grab a cup of coffee or tea or wine or a jug of moonshine, then you might as well move on along for now and come back when you have the time to enjoy yourself.

If you do have to leave, I hope you come back later. And if you're staying, I do sincerely hope you enjoy the treats I'm feeding you today. And if I've featured you, I hope that you're okay with it.

Deep thinkers are my favorites. If I've listed you here, I think you're mysterious and deep and fascinating. Cheers to you and all of your blue. If you're feeling a bit lost and lonely, my discord username is paintingangels(serena)#3668. I'm in a group called @helpie and we're looking for new members. We're pretty good at cheering people up and having a good time, while also learning more about steem and crypto and . Let me know if you're interested.

Alright.. here we go.. I'm not going to talk about these entries, I'm just going to post quotes from them, so you'll know if you want to go further into their thoughts. Deep thoughts are not for everyone, and really, when a shallow thinker dives in sometimes, they can become a bit disoriented. So do walk carefully, here. And don't be judgy. Open your mind.

How it Feels

by @mel1ss


"The darkness consumes me. It beats me until there’s almost nothing left, it allows a shimmer of light to peer through but just as I gain hope, it covers up the light and laughs at me. The laugh is stale and lifeless, it knows it’s winning but why do I keep letting it? I’m a competitive person after all, so why can’t I beat this thing? It’s like a rubix cube, some can master it while others give in and allow it to defeat them."


No Songwriter Shop Talk Tonight... But

by @MenO

"It sounds as if I'm planning something evil, but I promise is quite the opposite. And who knows, today could be the day a new type of show is born, not on this specific time slot, but on MSP-Waves itself.

I won't say much more, since I'm not even too convinced of anything and as they say here in 'merica I fully intend to play this by ear. And I mean the whole day, right now, even typing this somewhat short announcement."


**Disclaimer: This isn't even a tiny bit as wistful as Meno can go , you should read his blog in depth, read way way back.. enjoy it! He's as deep a thinker as I know. I'm sharing this because I'd love to see people show up to his radio show tonight even though he has no planned guest. Do it for MENO! He'll still be there. I am not sure if I can, but I'm going to try, because we should ALL be there for Meno, too.



by @Yidneth

The road less walked
will be my own
now that I´m sure
it leads me back to you
A door unlocked
into the unknown
and I became yours
I'm moss, I'm bark, I'm roots
But you can´t feel small
once you come to wonder
all those trees so tall
were once tiny seeds
that stood against the strongest winds
kept thriving shade or sheen
to grow all green
to grow all green

(In this post you will hear and see a video for the most beautiful song, "Grow" and find more magic within the post as well. I know I said I wasn't going to say anything about these posts I'm sharing but it seems I can't quite help myself. If I seem biased by sharing posts from my friends, it's because I totally am. But I also know talent when I see/hear/am knocked on my ass by it, as Pris does to all of us, constantly.)



by @torico

Photo © @torico

"The wonderful thing about storms is being witness to the incredulous beauty of nature, the lesson that sometimes pressure must reach a point of letting go."




Dear Life (A Short Poem)

by @Calluna

Please accept my formal resignation
But this role just is not for me
Thank you for your consideration
I would like go back now please

I know you had a plan for me
But I think it’s fallen through
Thank you for the opportunity
I am sorry about what it came to

I really tried not to let you down
And you have cut me so much slack
But I think the time has come around
To please, let me come back......

- @calluna


Thank you for visiting me again! Please give these beautiful souls your highest compliments and upvotes! They've worked hard!
I'm a proud member of @helpie and am also a scout! If you'd like to learn more about our little happy helpie family, visit the @helpie page or send me a note over at discord. paintingangels(serena)#3668

helpie banner by my awesome friend and fellow @helpie member, @bembelmaniac


My dear sweet Serena, thanks very much for the feature and for the compliment. I felt honoured and even gigled a little.
Be always the force of goodness that you are.
I an plotting some curation too, and hope to count with you, we may be but small minnows but we can encourage. I will be doing shoutouts of this. I am kind of curious about Tuesday but you see It will come around again. Hugs. WW wistful Wednesdays , maybe thursdays are days for truths, I have the feeling the one I look forward is Friday if I guess it right.

I am honored to be in such company. a cookie of such bountiful grace shall descend from the mystical bunny cloud and visit upon you, and yea, tho you may nom it and share it with others, it's magic shall never die and the cookie shall become new each day and feed the hunger of the helpies.

I love my magic mystical bunny cloud cookie so much. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ THANK YOU! ♥♥♥♥♥

Free Upvotes

Thank you so much for this feature! To be honest, I wasn't certain about sharing this one. It is one of those poems that sounds a bit more morbid, and I don't want anyone to worry, but it is a real poem, on a passing emotion that I suspect more people than I would like have encountered. Thank you, this really means a lot to me <3

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