A Picture Of What I Think Is A Modesto Ash Tree

in #deepstate6 years ago


I took this picture on Tuesday November 20, 2018. This was before our first rain of November. We haven't had rain since October 3rd 2018 and we did have rain on Thanksgiving night on November 22, 2018.

I usually do things to save water, but I will always water my lawn, even though we are still on water restriction. Well, we have been getting the drought like weather lately. We do get rain sometimes.

About the lack of rain in California, I will not blame Climate Change. No, what is really happening is Climate Warfare. That is the spraying of chemtrails in California to drought California. It is one of the plans of the deep state.

Can the deep state win forever? No, cause we have people fighting against the deep state. I remind you that the deep state have their weakness. You see, their demons like pedogate and pedovore activities.

We do have a president that is going after these people that do pedogate and pedovore activities. So now we have the help of the president and Q. So I believe there will be relief from the deep state. We will have to see how that goes.

I say that because there will be military tribunals on people that committed any kind of treasonous activities and that includes the elite pedophiles that are involved with the pedogate and pedovore activities.

These people will include, politicians , judges, CEO's, actors, singers and other people that are involved with these pedogate and pedovore activities. These activities have to do with the satanic. It is very sick.

Well, lets get back to the tree. I believe this is a Modesto Ash tree. The tree behind it is a Magnolia tree. I always water my lawn at least once a week and when I do water the lawn, I am also watering the trees.

A lot of people here in California since the water restriction, don't really water their lawns and in doing so they are not watering their trees.

I have a cousin that told me that his lemon tree used to give off less than really good fruit. Well, now I hear that his tree didn't even fruit. I asked him if he watered his lemon tree and he told me, no.

The tree will do the best it can with whatever resources it has to work with, but what happens when it doesn't have much to work with? Well, not bearing is a good sign that it will get sick, then maybe even die off.

I told my cousin that after he washes his rice, instead of throwing that water out, bring it to the lemon tree and give that rice water to the tree.

This way he doesn't even use more water than he usually uses just using the grey water a lot better than just throwing it down the drain. Hopefully he will follow that advise.

We need all the trees around us to stay alive, if we can. You see we will need those trees to help defend us against the upcoming 5G network that is coming and coming fast.

Isn't that interesting that the nature of the tree can save us from the man made 5G?

Of course trees help in more things than save from 5G. We do need them for oxygen and they do take in our carbon dioxide that they really need to live, and we need their oxygen that we need to live.

It seems to work out good that way.

A very good plan of God.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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