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RE: Centralization of Attention - The psychological impact of fame

in #deepshit6 years ago

An old poem I wrote for a friend 8 years ago came up in my memories today and I just shared it here (dusted up a bit). Fame almost did him in, although he is very healthy now and doing great personally and professionally. He is one of those people who wanted to connect with everyone and it overwhelmed and saddend him when he couldn't keep up . Pictures comments on social media etc. No matter how much energy you have, it is not enough. We've talked about this a bit, and it is such a double edged sword, a very very hard thing to balance (if it can be called balance lol)


I don't think I would have handled it well, we kind of think we wanted when we are young teens, but very most people come through fame worse for the wear haha

One of the reasons I have so much to say about this topic is that I've had a fear of becoming him, or even worse, someone who takes the support for granted, and it's actually led me to hold myself back in a lot of ways and kept me cooped up and at times even working against myself.

I'm over the fear now but I'm still trying to figure out how to lift others up as much as possible as I empower myself, so that I don't end up "above" anyone. I'll check your post

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