The Development of an Economy Can Be Driven by DeepOnion.

in #deeponion7 years ago

In the previous installments, I spoke about Europe and its focus on cryptocurrencies, in this article I want to give an informative approach of what has happened in Spain, that the same President of the Republic, announced that he began a law design, which exempts Tax responsibilities The companies that use and work under the Blockchain technology, this is encouraging and motivating, since blockchain technology does not allow corruption.

In this decision, it is easy to decipher that the interest of many governments and banks is to have the blockchain technology, to obtain some type of benefit, the only thing is, will they want anonymity in their transactions? Or that people accept it and supervise the transactions? I believe that in this case DeepOnion can be the leading currency, since with the integrations Spanish users would be given total anonymity, whether they carry out regulatory projects or try to attract people to use blockchain technology through companies.

If the government wants the Alliance with the private company, it is because it is looking for some kind of benefit, what they want to achieve is that they give rise to the supply currencies (ICO) to finance the country in a regulated manner, although it is an ICO and not a coin, why? Maybe they want to have a large amount of money, to be able to support a project, which will lead them to test the Spaniards in general, how they react with the cryptocurrencies, since the world boom will now be the cryptocurrencies in the countries, within the which not only in Spain but in several countries.
The Spanish government put this motion to a vote in the Senate, to see if it was feasible or not, the application of the use of blockchain through companies that came out victorious, opening the way to cryptocurrencies in the country, on the other hand, as is known, that many belonging to the Securities Market Commission and representatives of the Spanish Bank, have said that investing in cryptocurrencies is very risky and that they do not recommend it, and they were urged to create a law that would give a legal framework to such request . But Spain, in its majority there are people who trade with bitcoin and some cryptocurrencies, if these organizations want to get involved, it is because they want to control the transaction traffic in some way, this is enough reason for the Spaniards to know our currency. , a currency that will provide total anonymity, through: Spaniards can enter and interact, since they are Spanish speakers and can access the part in Spanish here: with total freedom to express themselves in the different topics that interest them.

On the other hand, many give as a recommendation not to invest until you have complete and detailed information so that it is done safely.

Throughout the world it is known that this year 2018, began with a different kind of approach in terms of economy, all countries have shown interest in adapting to this digital technology, some with freedoms others with prohibitions, but despite all this, DeepOnion will be there to make itself known, being the best alternative for people in their investments, because a job and a well done project make a difference in any other cryptocurrency project, even DeepOnion has many advantages over Bitcoin, we are talking about a great future for the people of Spain and the whole world, if you know the onion, and you see all the work that has been done, you will notice that it has achieved much more in these 7 big months than in the 9 years that Bitcoin has, I think DeepOnion is a very young project, which has reached much more in every way than any cryptocurrency, and with the characteristics that come, the price of the Onion will be very fruitful for the they have invested, since DeepOnion has the latest technology, offering what people should always have as a right: their privacy and anonymity, ask us if you are skeptical, if you do not want to enter the forum, check our Twitter: https: // twitter .com / DeepOnionx and Facebook: I'm sure you'll like the experience and will not want to separate from everything that happens in DeepOnion, being one of the best options for momentum in development of a country economically in this new digital era.


Step by step cryptocurrencies goes to the masses. Definitely. I am glad that we are part of with changing.

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