Four Crypto-elephants Deeponion

in #deeponion7 years ago

In ancient teachings, the earth was portrayed as a huge disk that rests on the backs of four elephants, and those in turn stand on the back of a giant turtle. But we will not try to deny or confirm this fact now))), in the end we are not analyzing astrophysics, but the DeepOnion cryptocurrency. We take from all this only a part in which these four elephants are spoken. Let's a little abstracted from reality, fantasize and imagine the Earth as a cryptocurrency project DeepOnion. Who or what will be the very four elephants? More precisely, in our case, it will say: crypto-elephants?

I think that without a doubt the first crypto-elephant is "Technology"! Well, when the project is a unique technology. It says that, firstly, the project is unique (well, it's self-explanatory), secondly, the project has much to develop and thirdly - the project can "shoot", because the new technology is a new technology. This is not a time-honored and flogged fork ... Well, with us, thank God, everything is just SUPER!

Who will be the second crypto-elephant? Of course, the "Development Team"! Famous, eminent developers already with their own name are able to push the project out of a crowd of their own kind. Or vice versa, it can be still a genius unknown to anyone, half-starved, living in a student dormitory and writing his code on everything that comes his way. Such guys, with burning eyes, sometimes do just miracles!))) In our case, it remains to guess to which of these categories, include our talented developers, but what they are doing is just a MIRACLE!

With the third crypto-elephant, everything is simple. Cryptocurrency is although a mega innovation, but still a product. A product in our time without marketing is not a product. Therefore, the third elephant will appoint His Majesty "Marketing"! We can’t without it. This Marketing decides when and on which exchanges the coin will be traded; when and where to release news about it, and what to tell in this very news, and what to keep silent about; when a new release of the purse will be released or new functions will appear. In our project everything is clear and clear: there is an approved Roadmap, the points of which, the project develops with the accuracy of Swiss watches! And with this we have - just EXCELLENT!

The fourth crypto-elephant, we, perhaps, will designate the "Community"! Yes-yes, these are the same users who extract these very coins in all available ways, sweeping from the counters of stores of the video card and burning at the same time a megawatt of electricity; buy and sell coins on stock exchanges, or simply store them in their purses, and later, on Internet forums "with foam at the mouth" prove to each other the superiority and prospects of our coin over competitors))) Well, about our community, we can say only one thing simply the BEST!

So, which of the listed crypto-elephant is more important? What do you think?

And no one! The most important thing is crypto-turtle! "Who the hell is this?" You ask. But if you forgot about the turtle, then you inattentively read the text))) Read again and carefully))) "Ok, and who is this tortoise?" - You ask. And this, I ask you to write in the comments to this article!


Terry Pratchett was an excellent author who wrote hysterically funny books based on the disc world theory. In his series he write that there were actually five elephants, a Fifth Elephant. I highly suggest the series. A few of the books were made into live action films and a few others were animated, but the books themselves are pure comedic gold. Unfortunately Pratchett passed away a few years ago from complications of Alzheimer's. I met him once and cherish the memory. Anyhow, your beginning reminded me of the books. Thank you for sharing,

Thanks for your feedback! I have not heard anything about the work of Terry Pratchett. Be sure to get acquainted. Thanks again!

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