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RE: Psychological Warfare Conducted by the USG Against Americans to Support the Coups in Venezuela

in #deepdives5 years ago

While the problems you denote are impacting Venezuela, I am fain to agree it is a failed state. For decades it has been under attack by the most powerful empire in history, and that it has not heretofore simply capitulated is strong evidence of a competent, determined people.

You consistently mischaracterize the fruits of people's labor as benefits granted them by overlords. The fact of the financial rapine of banksters is not refuted by the failure of that predation to kill their prey. It only establishes that they are parasitic, and dependent on their host for their survival.

"... under the US imperial hegemony, they would not be without food, water, or electricity."

I see that you haven't paid much attention to the conditions prevailing where the US has recently liberated people, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Given the push for ever increasing immigration into the USA by the political class, now openly espoused by Trump - to the shock and dismay of his base - a stable prosperous Venezuela would be counterproductive. It seems fairly certain that a war ravaged, starving, desperate Venezuela would produce acceptable levels of immigration for their purposes. That is to say, as much of it as possible.

Another oil rich nation that has intentions of selling oil for currencies other than dollars? That's a liberating!


The failure of Venezuela is due to mismanagement and corruption from Chavez and his ilk, appointed to his post by the ignorant and hysterical muck, which you constantly elevate as some paragon of virtue. The Marxist propaganda have been quite effective in 'Murica, as many blame the failure of communism upon "hostile foreign elements." Be sure to review proper Marxist rhetoric for the inevitable socialist, or even national socialist, triumph in 'Murica.

How are the Venezuelans enjoying the "fruits of people's labor" in the absence of functioning government? The people don't exist without the sanction of the state/crown. To believe otherwise is to ignore the evidence of your own senses. Chaos does not engender "rights" to "private" property.

The vassal states of the US hegemony do not experience food, water, and electricity shortages as in the people's utopia of Venezuela. Libya is not a puppet regime of the US, but a choas zone. Iraq and Afghanistan have functioning governments and civil infrastructure. The vestiges of misguided ethnic/national malcontents need but weeded out, and these regions will enjoy the prosperity imperial hegemony bestows.

Those chaos zones are the intended result of the overlords profiting from the chaos. It's not US felicity that is in store for Venezuela, buy Libyan style destruction, with corporate whores extracting the maximum profit from the reserves of the nation.

" Iraq and Afghanistan have functioning governments and civil infrastructure."

They remain actual war zones and failed states on a scale far worse than Venezuela prior to the ongoing coup. This is purposeful, and profitable for overlords that were certainly capable of projecting the necessary force to actually develop nominal infrastructure, had they but wanted to. They didn't, and what they did is exactly what they wanted to do.

You are either unaware of the rapid increase in Venezuela's GDP and oil production that began with Chavez, or being disingenuous. In a few short years he more than quadrupled Venezuela's income.

As to some sort of virtue of ordinary free people having self determination, well, yeah, I do see that as virtuous. But that's not my main point. My point I keep trying to make clear to you is that the technological revolution ongoing presently is a revolution in decentralization. Decentralization is literally the replacement of economic and political power effected through legacy centralized 'isms' with individuals possessing the actual means of production, and thereby attaining the economic power directly from their production.

It's what physics makes possible, and we make devices that physics makes possible, and don't memes that are nothing more than the wishes of megalomaniacs. Physics demonstrably potentiates decentralized means of production, people are inventing and refining those technologies, and individuals attain to greater wealth by adopting them. It is inevitable that decentralization proceed to create relative economic parity via the nascent technological transcendence of legacy industrial paradigms.

It's just a matter of time before overlords are obsolete, and free people are once again actually in possession of sovereign power, as they were prior to the agrarian revolution, only this time the stars themselves will be our possession.

Chevez and his peasant ilk nationalizing Venezuela's petrol industry reduced output and potential profit. His "miracle" is nothing more than a byproduct of increase in petrol demand by China, and consequent price increase in petrol. Every petrol producing nation benefited with GDP growth during the oil boom. And to where have all the wealth from Venezuela's one profitable industry disappeared but into the pockets of the peasant scum placed in charge of industries and infrastructure beyond the capabilities of their limited intellect? The House of Saud or Russian Federation are not experiencing shortages in food, water, and electricity because the peasants are governed by their betters.

Despite the delusional proclamation in 'Murican Declaration of Independence, men are created qualitatively different from each other. The reason for the colonial rebel scum declaring such nonsense is not due to any belief in godly principles, but because they were attempting to legitimize their sinful rebellion by equating themselves to their betters. Virtually all of your "freedom fighting" comrades are second-tier aristocrats, discontented with their lack of influence, attempting to climb the ladder to power by inciting chaos. Unleashing the restraint on the gammas and epsilons will result in collapse of civil society. Allowing "self-determination" of ordinary people is as cruel as allowing sheep to roam free, without guidance and protection, to the jaws of wolves.

Believing technology will "free" those who need to be governed is akin to declaring teachers and mentors obsolete for children because they have wikipedia.

I find it ironic that you consider it cruel for sheep to be free to beware wolves, and illuminating that you consider wolves ruling sheep to be beneficent.

"Chevez ... peasants are governed by their betters."

That's a whole lot of cope, my friend.

None of your rant even matters, because physics. Physics just is what it is, and technology is the inevitable product of physics. Freedom isn't dependent on whether or not you or I like it. It doesn't depend on beneficence or malignance. It's the fruit of physics.

Reality or bust.

Freedom and rights are destroying the Europeans as a people. All revolutions carry within it the seeds of it own destruction, and the 300 year humanist revolt will die on the sword of freedom and rights. Human rights and freedom created the mercantile, globalist gnomes against whom you struggle; but without sanitizing the collective human consciousness of the cancer that is eating away at communal identity and duty, your struggle is in vain. You can escape to the edge of the universe, and even to the gates of heaven, but you carry with you the disease of freedom. Your flight to the stars merely delays the inevitable extinction.

"Freedom and rights are destroying the Europeans as a people."

I do disagree, but my reasons are apparently subjective since the democratic systems of governance belie the actual oligarchic control. While there are valid arguments that tolerating such mechanisms are tantamount to agreement, I also note that people are social animals, and need to tolerate such devices as necessary to fulfill their destinies as humans. There never has been just society, as power has always been effected via either forthright enslavement, or through duplicitous manipulation. Doubtless, manipulation is preferable to physical violence.

That is something we will carry to the stars, and will forever taint our potential to undertake our freedom, to greater or lesser degree.

However, I do not claim humanity is perfected, and neither expect flawless execution of society to ever proceed from our mutual exercise of our sovereign self governance. I liberally salt our sovereignty with limited expectations of successful prosecution of it. AI will ineffably moderate all considerations of humanity, in the final analysis.

You will certainly be proved utterly, absolutely correct - only in certain specific cases. Once humanity has dispersed to some degree into the universe, no singly theory of evolution, disposition, or extinction will apply universally.

I cannot bear the beauty you have imbued your writing with. It is almost painful to have to refute your conclusions as a result of my appreciation of your marvelous skill. Don't take my inability to agree with your thesis as a rejection of the mastery with which it is composed.


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