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RE: Heart of Darkness: The CIA- MACV-SOG & Phung Hoang (The Phoenix Program)

in #deepdives6 years ago

I have nothing against Doug Valentine he does a fine job with the information he gathered. If there's any fault in his work it's that he takes an anti-American involvement standpoint. I'm a little burned out and not explaining myself well I'm afraid. I question our motives, not our methods. He questions both.

I believe that we were there as part of a deep state op to protect the drug trade. In retrospect that's my only regret... I killed people for drugs and that's one of the things I have to live with. I went to Nam to "make the world safe from Communism." Funny how differently you see things when you're 72 than you did at 18. I guess that's why young guys fight the wars. The people in Vietnam didn't know a Communist from a Great Dane- they just wanted to eat everyday.


I can't even imagine how hard it must be for you, knowing those facts now.

Now I do my penance... I rarely sleep and when I do I have dreams and night terrors- I live with ghosts who refuse to let me alone. On the other hand, God won't put more on you than you can bear, so I live with it and do my best to find truths and disclose them whatever I write about. I guess in other words, I'm one fucked up dude lol!

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