A "Constitutional Reckoning", honest, that is what they said...

in #deepdives4 years ago

Headline: “Trump’s drive against Watchdogs faces Constitutional Reckoning”

Really? Are you trying to make JOKES? Not only does drumpf NOT know what the Constitution is, He really doesn’t give a shit about it, or the citizens it protects. Prez drumpf has violated so many of the Articles of the Constitution and it’s Amendments that if any of us (97%) did the same thing, we would be in jail for several LIFETIMES!

Having seen what drumpf thinks about the Country, does ANYONE honestly believe he is going to worry about “Oversight”? Make NO MISTAKE, drumpf is a PSYCHOPATHIC CAREER CRIMINAL with Sociopathic leanings.

“Constitutional Reckoning”, I haven’t had that good a laugh since he has been in office. From Kentucky Senator “Mediocre” Mitch McConnell “He has the full authority to hire and fire, under the Constitution, anybody in the executive branch,” and as far as that goes, NO, he doesn’t. When it comes to ANYTHING Constitutional, Mediocre Mitch will say or do whatever drumpf wants him to say/do. Whatever the Constituents want is, unfortunately, IRRELEVANT.

© Mitchell 2020/05/24

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