Deep Dives 15 | The Wikileaks Archive Winners Announced (25 SBD)

in #deepdives5 years ago

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Another Deep Dives Research Challenge has come to an end with our latest foray into the Wikileaks archive. There were some really high-quality posts in this latest edition and we recommend, if you have the time, to read the submissions from our contributors in their entirety. We're convinced you will not be disappointed. The addition of several remarkable posts right at the deadline really made DD15 something special. We hope you agree.

Here’s the link to the original DD15 post

Deep Dives 15 Official Participants

@elchacal6 (x2)

@natepowers (x2)


Deep Dives 15 Unofficial Participants


That Time The US Shot Down An Iranian Civilian Airliner Killing All 290 Passengers And Lied To Cover It Up


How Much Did The US Military Spend Yesterday?


The Plan To Out Down Wikileaks 10 Years in the Making

Once again, we'd like to give a big thank you to all the participants in the Deep Dives research challenge. We value your original submissions, the light you shed on under-reported stories and your dedication to digging into areas that some find controversial or goes against the grain. Respect.

Winners - Three-Way Tie!

First Prize (8.395 SBD)

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Human Ecology Program Part 1 and The Human Ecology Program Part 2

by @elchacal6

A previous Deep Dives first prize winner, @elchacal6 is quickly establishing themselves as a top-tier contributor in the community. Following up the engrossing Jones Town Revisted from Deep Dives 13, the author delves deeper into CIA mind control projects and lifts the lid on The Human Ecology Program. The CIA secretly funded a wide range of research into 'stress' through legitimate academic and scientific channels unbeknownst to the vast majority of those conducting the research. The CIA then put into practice the knowledge gained from the disparate research in multiple academic fields to produce their torture, interrogation, and psychological operation techniques. Brilliant research and well presented!

First Prize (8.395 SBD)


The Apollo Affair

by @palikari123

A Deep Dives veteran, onboard since day one, and a winner of several first prize entries is none other than our friend @palikari123! If you're sleeping on this author we suggest you go back and checkout some of his great submissions over the past year. The author provides high quality research on engaging subject matter. This latest contribution does not disappoint! Exploring the origins of Israel's secret nuclear program we learned about the Apollo affair and how Mossad agents stole critical top secret information from their US allies in order to bring atomic capabilities to Israel in the 1960s, a program that is STILL officially unacknowledged. Exceptional research @palikari123!

First Prize (8.395 SBD)


Another 2019 US Government Backed Coup: Libya Deep Dive


The Bilderberg Group Part 1

by @natepower

Another previous Deep Dives first prize winner is @natepower who also made two excellent entries this month! We're more than happy to add these two pieces to the @deepdives growing collection. The first submission deals with a man who's not well known in the West, General Haftar. Following the NATO coup and assassination of Mummar Gaddaffi, a power vacuum within Libya opened up. The CIA had already positioned and supplied their man Haftar and his forces within Libya territory. Haftar, who has spent the past 20 years living in the US, was the US choice to succeed Gaddaffi. However, what they did not expect was that the 30 tribes that make up Libyan society would be embroiled in a power struggle that's still ongoing. Only just recently, has General Haftar began to make his move on the capital of Tripoli.

The second submission deals with the infamous Bilderberg group, a secretive organization who many suspect of subverting democracy and set the actual policies of Western democracies. Although the organization has been exposed by alternative media in recent years, they've actually been meeting since the 1970s! This piece explores US government cables from that era and major geo-political players such as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. What's more, @natepower reveals that there's enough material in Wikileaks on Bilderberg for one hundred Deep Dives on the group! Fruitful research to be sure. Fantastic work @natepower, always a pleasure!


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Delve Tokens

Winners will also receive newly minted Delve (DLV) tokens from steem-engine as a bonus for their contributions.
Amount: 500 DLV

Deep Dives Community

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  • Promote original content
  • Promote investigative journalism
  • Promote focused and quality research
  • Encourage community engagement
  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork
  • Recognize and reward high quality original content

    Over time, Deep Dives aims to build a repository of high quality research and original content preserved on the blockchain.

    We hope you join us in building this unique resource.
    It truly is a community effort and your exceptional contributions are what fuels this project.

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Deep Dives Index - The Best of Deep Dives #1- #10


Congrats to all the winner! Well done! This one totally escaped me as well, forgot about the deadline :/

Same happened to me on the last one. This time I got in half an hour early lol.

If anyone is interested there was enough WikiLeak's on Bilderberg from 1955-1980 for several deepdives, WikiLeak's also the Bilderberg Meeting reports for a number of years. I was actually surprised by the volume of official U.S. Government correspondence on Bilderberg as if Bilderberg Group were an official organization like the UN, proving that Bilderberg is an un-democratic Group setting policy in secret by people who are not elected or represented by the the people of the government represented. I was surprised that people who are big on Bilderberg research have ever mentioned the information WikiLeak's has on the organization. Another thing that surprise's me on the deep dives is how relevant John Perkins"Confessions of an Economic Hitmen" is, there are a lot of examples of Economic Hitmen skull fuckery in WikiLeak's and gives what claims John Perkins has made over the years a lot of credibility. Thanks to everyone who has upvoted and supported my work!

The extensive material on the Bilderberg group is indeed a great discovery!

I think one of the reasons that they may be overlooked is because a lot of researchers tend to focus on the most recent, most current events and actors from Wikileaks. Imho, i think that many of the most interesting revelations come from the older archives. Bilderberg meetings from the 70s is a great example, another that immediately comes to mind for me was the amount of secret/confidential correspondence between the Pinochet regime and the USG regarding the overthrow of Allende. I did my best to present what I found but I'm sure there's more.

In my view, context is key. Having pre-existing knowledge about a subject about historical geo-politics, domestic affairs or any subject really makes a difference when conducting the research. Otherwise, one is simply looking for the proverbial smoking gun in a single email or the needle in the haystack situation which do exist but are not the only way to view and use the archive.

Anyways, I have to say that I'm surprised that more alternative media types have not made use of the archive for Bilderberg. Again, great find and truly eye-opening stuff.
Thank you @natepower!


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