A review of the multifunctional platform Deep blockchain Cloud AI

in #deepcloudai5 years ago

Hello dears! I continue to review various interesting blockchain projects and today I have quite an interesting startup with global ambitious goals and difficult decisions on the agenda.

The Deep Cloud AI platform is not just an ERC 20 token created on the Ethereum blockchain, like many other modern blockchain products. No, the Deep Cloud AI team decided to go the thorny path and develop its own blockchain with advanced technologies and protocols, noticeably more promising than the standard solutions of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The fact is that from the very beginning of the origin of blockchain and crypto currency technology, in order to improve security and prevent DDoS attacks on the network, the system has established high complexity, which requires from the network participants – miners – very large production capacities, in order to create new blocks and process user transactions. Therefore, the main modern crypto currencies suffer from low scalability and transaction speed. For example, Bitcoin speed is about 7-8 transactions per second, Ether – about 15, while Visa is able to carry out more than 20,000 transactions per 1 second. With this arrangement, it is clear that it is impossible to do something more extensive than crypto currencies on such technologies.

This is what the team of developers from the Deep Cloud AI project decided to fix. They will create their own blockchain, which will be based on the Consensus technology, which to some extent is a hybrid of two modern methods of mining – Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. In Deep Cloud AI, anyone can mine. This will require a certain amount of Deep crypto currency frozen in the miner's account, as well as some computing power, the requirements for which will be much lower than standard crypto currencies. Deep mining will be possible both on a huge farm of hundreds of ASICs, and on an ordinary home personal computer. This approach to the principles of mining, will allow network Deep Cloud AI processing huge number of transactions per second, and will also make the network much more secure and decentralized, because a miner can become a every – and the more miners, the more the network is protected from attacks.

And now, I think you have a question-what is the Deep Cloud AI team planning to do with such large capacity and scalability that they want to develop. In other words-what will be the use of the Deep Cloud AI platform?

So we came to the most interesting. Platform Deep Cloud AI, as the name implies, is a global, decentralized cloud services for secure crypto graphia. With the help of this platform it will be possible to exchange files and carry out secure real-time transmission of information in large volumes. And we are not talking about simple bytes transmitted through the blockchain – the developers of Deep Cloud AI say that with the help of their platform it will be possible to even stream audio and video that no one can hack and intercept.

But data transfer is not the only application of Deep Cloud AI. The creators plan to introduce broad support for IOT – the Internet of things-into their platform. This means that using Deep Cloud AI, you can easily create entire smart cities, all the information flows in which will be reliably protected, decentralized and at the same time occur at the highest speed.

The entire economy of the project - that is, payment for the services of the platform, will be carried out in Deep crypto currency, which can be purchased directly inside the service, without resorting to the services of other sites. After all, the function of information exchange implies the possibility of trading within the Deep Cloud AI.

Link to the website - https://www.deepcloudai.com
Group in Telegram - https://t.me/deepcloud_ai
Official Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DeepCloudOfficial
Official Twitter - https://twitter.com/DeepCloud_AI
Whitepaper - https://deepcloudai.com/paper/Whitepaper_DeepCloud_AI_Version1_01_ENG.pdf

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