Sleep Hypnosis for Happiness | Subconscious Reprogramming for Positivity | Self-Help Yourself

in #deep5 years ago

Do not listen to this recording while striving or while operating any kind of heavy machinery only listen when you can bring yourself to a complete state of relaxation and bring your awareness to your own complete comfort hello this is vikram welcoming you today to this sleep hypnosis session designed to make you feel a lot happier and bring the happiness into your life that you may have been missing regardless of how you have been feeling so far and whether you've been experiencing some form of anxiousness sadness or depression you will notice that it is your subconscious mind that tends to act in majority of these situations it is for that reason today we will be giving you some new suggestions and drawing in tear subconscious minds more powerful positive and happier thoughts that will allow you to make the necessary changes required in your life so that you may come out of these situations in order to take control once again keep in mind that all sleep hypnosis sessions like any other hypnosis is all self-hypnosis and that you may go into a state of complete relaxation and hypnosis where you are more suggestible to certain thoughts and at any point of time in this deeply relaxed state you may choose to come out and meet the needs of the real world if it demands your immediate attention in a few moments I'd like you to find yourself a nice comfortable position where you may safely relax and once you've found yourself in that safe comfortable position I'd like you to know that with each day and every day that passes by each in every part of you your mind and your body this feeling and becoming happier with each day that passes by you will begin to feel more and more content and this wonderful suggestion of you feeling and being happier will allow you to become more and more content in yourself every day remember that this feeling is becoming more and more real for you and this wonderful positive suggestion that you're feeling happy and growing happier becoming more and more content in yourself as each and every day is passing by the feeling of happiness is growing stronger and stronger in your mind gently close your tired eyes now if you haven't already and remember that it's not because I say so that is a wonderful suggestion that is amazing idea of happiness with growing stronger and stronger inside your mind but it is your own power they can bring the suggestion to life know that this suggestion is growing stronger and stronger for you each and every day and because of this wonderful suggestion that you want to bring into your life now that every day that passes by you are growing more and more happy and feeling more and more content in a few moments now we will begin and I'm going to help you feel even more relaxed and you may be currently feeling even comma and growing caramel and as you focus on your breathing I'd like you to draw your awareness to the word I am going to say now relax and each and every time that I say the word relax imagine a wonderful feeling of calmness a wonderful wave of relaxation is going to wash over you every time I say the word relax this feeling of comes this feeling of relaxation the feeling that only grows stronger and stronger for you so as your breathing continues to slow just allows to relax more and more with every muscle every nerve and every fiber in your body relaxing law and law as your mind becomes karma and karma relax more and more relaxed now continue to relax more and more with every breath that you take in and slowly release remember that you have something known as the unconscious mind it's the part of you that knows everything there is to know about you and even though we may not be completely aware of this you can reach into that part of your mind whenever you desire and draw deep into that part of your mind happy and positive thoughts you which will allow you to feel easily and naturally happy know that you can become content every single day Hereafter and that your mind is becoming open to the wonderful suggestions that you will receive today and that all of these suggestions will allow you to feel happy with a lot less sad and depressed to ultimately feel more content so as you're relaxed now with every breath your subconscious mind as well as your unconscious mind can now take onboard these wonderful suggestions of being happy and content because with every day now that passes well we're feeling more and more content every single day you notice more and more good things going on in your life every day you will notice and pay attention to the positive things going on in your life paying attention not to the things that make you feel sad but instead paying attention to the things that make you smile paying attention to the things that make you feel good on the inside you noticing more and more of those things that make you feel proud for who you are and as you notice more and more of the good things in your life the things that make you smile the things that make you feel good about yourself the things that allow you to smile more and more each day as you continue to grow happier and happier and each and every day as if for you as if he will becoming more happy and content in your abilities in your ability to stay positive you'll notice that it simply becomes much easier for you much easier to see the good things in life so bring yourself to smile and hold on to those things that make you feel good and even though sometimes you may get sad you have the potential to maintain a positive state of mind and happiness if you so desire and you can pay attention to the good things that go on in your life remembering at every point to relax and take a deep breath in when life gets a little overwhelming paying attention to the good things in life whether it be the sunrise in the morning or watching the rainfall noticing different sounds different experiences smelling different smells feeling different wonderful things each and every day you notice more and more of the good things in life as they allow you to smile more and more allowing you to feel happy and more content more positive in yourself as each and every day passes by you will remember that even in hard times you can smile and rise to the occasion you remember that you have the ability to change your thoughts change your feelings and take control of the world around you you you can see your thoughts become more and more positive and as your thoughts become more and more positive you feel more and more positive happier and more content as you continue to descend into a deeper consciousness any normal noises that may be going on outside now fade into the distance as you draw your complete and unwavering attention to the sound of my voice and these wonderful positive suggestions of change as you relax more and more with every breath I'd like you now to imagine or think to yourself whatever works best for you imagine yourself standing in front of a full-length mirror imagine yourself standing in front four full-length mirror and as you see your reflection you begin to notice small difference you notice now that you're looking in the reflection of the mirror someone different someone who is truly happy and content you're looking at someone who looks at the good in life someone who is positive calm and content at all times you're looking maximum one who turns their expectations into appreciation for what they have you're looking at the person that you would like to be with all of these wonderful qualities and as you imagine looking and noticing in your mind's eye that person that you would like to be the person with all of these wonderful qualities that part of you that wants to change to be different that one knows absolutely wonders what the reflection knows that you just have to know you and it's something that you just need to know so imagine now what thing like you were stepping into that reflection merging with the person that we were and becoming one with your reflection for as you merge now with your reflection you will slowly become one with the person you desire to be you now gain everything you need to know and to feel happy and content now that you are one with your reflection you can feel positive in yourself and allow that positivity to radiate and shine within you each and every day as this positive happy content shines within new age and reading it now brings a smile to your face each and every time you think about it and you allowing us now to separate yourself from the sadness of the world as you find more positive and more content place in yourself take a few moments now to draw these suggestions into yourself one much deeper level remember that these ideas that these thoughts that continue to grow stronger in your mind - because I say so because they are really suggestions that you want in your life to imbibe and implement so that they become more real and strong each and every day I will repeat the suggestion now and this suggestion will be I'm feeling happier and more content every day and when I say this suggestion I'm feeling happier and more content every day all I'd like you to do is mentally repeat that to yourself inside your mind for repeating this to yourself will truly help you feel and to become happier and more content each and every day so now in your mind I'd like you to repeat to themselves while feeling happier and more content every day repeat that once again I'm feeling happier and more content every day and again I'm feeling happier and more content every day I'm feeling happier and more content every day every time you repeat these lines you draw in and access the positive energy that continues to grow deep inside you and the new found vibration of happiness takes over your mind and body repeat to yourself I'm feeling happier and more content every day I'm feeling happy and more intent every day and a few more times just for yourself I'm feeling happier and more content every day I'm feeling happier and more content every day notice every day that passes by now you are growing more content more mentally calm becoming completely clear that you are in complete control of how you think and feel at any point of time and that you can choose to be happy and positive and even during hard times you may choose to stay in a positive place in your mind and with your physically relaxed body you you allow the energy of positivity and happiness to flow into the external world you may now spread the happiness and joy that lies within you in order to have more happiness and joy reflected back into your life and as the days and weeks and months go by you'll notice that it's perfectly possible and natural for you to cope better with anything cope with any situation with any person any difficult situation that you come across in your life you can face with a smile on your face a more confident self you now have greater self-control greater control over how you think and feel greater control over how you behave each and every day to begin to experience well wonderful powerful positive feeling of well-being both physically and mentally you will now become happier positive and content for any burden that continues to be on your shoulders let go let's go and relax feeling good positive and happy in every moment and even the darkest moments remember to smile and that the positive thoughts and feelings that dominate your mind not completely under your control and that the power to stay happy and composed lies within you in a few moments I will now stop speaking as you slowly drift into a wonderful dreamland of a B+ and content thoughts and when you wake up you'll find yourself refreshed and rejuvenated with the powerful sense of happiness goodnight and sleep well you

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