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RE: Area 51, the Development of Operational Antigravity Propulsion Technology and the Rise of the UFO !

in #deep-state7 years ago (edited)

At room temperature, the element mercury is not very magnetic at all. It has a very small, negative magnetic susceptibility, meaning that when you put mercury in a magnetic field, it magnetizes just a little tiny bit in the opposite direction. Basically mercury is a weak diamagnetic substance at room temperature but Mercury is much more interesting magnetically at very low temperatures. At temperatures below about 4 degrees Kelvin, elemental mercury becomes a superconductor. In fact, superconductivity was discovered in 1911 by studying mercury at low temperatures. Superconductors generally expel magnetic fields, so you could say that below 4 K, mercury is a perfect diamagnet. To expel a magnetic field from a material, a canceling field must be created by that material with currents flowing on the surface and these currents flow with no resistance in superconductors. You can also make a permanent magnet out of a loop of superconducting mercury by simply cooling down a loop of mercury in an external magnetic field (the temperature at which the mercury will superconduct will get lower as the applied field gets stronger). After the mercury becomes superconducting, it locks in the total magnetic flux through the loop. Switch off the external magnetic field, and a persistent current will flow around the mercury loop, making a permanent magnetic field. In the last few decades they have developed ways to do the same method using small electrical charges instead of supercooling (by altering the mercury itself), which adds a lot more flexibility to the technology and now not only allows dynamic changes to be made instantaneously (use to have a major delay) but also does it with much less effort (applying a small electrical change is much easier then supercooling it).

Hopefully one day this Double Helix Torus Field Engine tech (powered by electrically charged nano-mercury) will be made public instead of being exclusive to the deep state like it has been for damn near a century now.

Triangular spacecraft - US Patent #20060145019 A1 - AKA The TR-3B


Thats interesting indeed, yes mercury has alwaqys struck me as an extremely interesting metal and its not surprising that it could be used somehow in this technology to which i have referred in this post !! There is a pilot from the USAF in steamspeak ! He told me he flew missions in spy planes ! So ofcourse Iasked him point blank if he had seen with his own eyes the TR3B ! He gave me an answer which told me all i wanted to know saying " that plane does not exist " lol I mean what else could he say, official secrets act !! But it is real i am sure and that video i share shot over the nightsky is it !! Do you see it jump into hyperspace !! It has the ability to warp space time !! This is the key !! thanks for this great sharing of your knowledge and belief in that which i try to expose the this community !! ) I will I think be doing another post on this subject pretty soon as its so incredibly awesome as this is the reverse engineering of alien tech no doubt to my mind )

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