
I got caught up in the euphoria, however I can’t discount the many abuses the regime commits.. I don’t think human rights are coming. That being said, De-nuking is a very good thing .

Yeah, we shouldn't be naive, and I'm sure Trump is skeptical too. Hopefully aid can quickly start to flow and who knows where it can go from there. We'll see.

At least this is a baby step in a better direction. But human rights will not get much better for some time. They have a long way to go.

Good first step for sure. Seems the next immediate worry is humanitarian aid, food, seed, farm implements, medicine, etc. If Kim let's that start, then who knows? But maybe even that is too optimistic. It just seems the meeting itself was so out of character for him, that you have to positively wonder how far he willing to go. Shouldn't be naive, but see how far...

Very interesting videos btw, thanks. For every one who got out, there were many who...

Being exposed to foreign luxuries may even push the N.Koreans to desire more freedoms and change their perspective on other countries. It'll take a lot of work to really turn any tides. But if it weakens the fascist commie grip, that's a good thing. I'm very cautiously optimistic.

Yeah, in those videos' the young woman talks about watching S.Korean films and the risks from doing so. The desire must be so high to risk death to watch a movie. "Fascist commies" will never understand that you can't really kill all individuals' desire.

That's why I have hope. These people have the desire to get better and they are willing to work for it.

And the opportunities will be nearly endless when the country opens up just a little even. Whether they want to go slow with reunification, or not at all, I still bet for instance, that they could have half a million South Korean tourists alone, per year. That's big money, and would be an irresistible osmosis of freedom.

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