Why HST(decision token) is a good investment

in #decisiontoken7 years ago

I first heard of hst in the 4chan biz page, and was smitten by the very elegaic greentext which read something like this:

Under 10,000,000 marketcap
UN partnerships rumored

My interest was definitely peaked.

Low market cap coins weren't my specialty at the point, and they still aren't, but when the project is good enough, I am always curious, and sometimes I let my curiosity get the best of me.

So I went ahead and bought it. I bought more than I intended to even. I had a good feeling about this one. I saw what they were trying to do and it was almost as if my morality drew me to this coin.

The idea is simple. Their use case is voting on the blockchain.

I realized at the time how perfect of a reason that is to use the blockchain, which is inherently un-hackable(till date) and immutable.

The price wasn't moving anywhere for about 3 weeks, but I didn't sell. My instinct is to always stick it out with investments, even in crypto when things are moving fast.

The UN news came, and it rose a little, but then it dropped! I was surprised, but I waited. Something in Jamie Skella's eyes made me think this thing would go far, much farther than it is now. It rose 1000% from that time, and is currently trading at $4.61.

But asides from the price, (which may be the first thing that matters to investors but it shouldn't be the only thing), I like the idea that there are concepts that will survive much longer than the mania surrounding cryptocurrencies today.

In addition to that, HST's team has always been transparent, honest to a degree than many companies aren't , and is already being used by a popular Austrailian app, Mivote.

Of course, with a mere marketcap of around 150 million at the time of writing this post, it is a great coin to take notice of, especially since it's not on any major exchanges besides Kucoin yet. Also, their token mechanics are great, and they reward veteran holders of this token because they burn a certain percentage of the coins each time there is an election. Burning usually causes the coin's value to rise, because of the laws of demand and supply.

If anyone is looking for a medium/low risk year hold, this is something that is not blue-chip that I would recommend. I would advise going no more than 20% of your portfolio on it. But I would definitely look it over, it has alot of things going for it.

And damn that Jamie Skella. What an eloquent man.

Comment below if you are intrigued, and I'll answer anything I can. Meanwhile, shill me on your favorite low marketcap investments!



Partnered with the UN, working product since Feb 17 with Mivote in Australia and expanding into India Belgium and Scotland.

I see great opportunity in this token because I can't see exaggerated marketing about HST unlike other coins (or tokens) without any good project. Once, they will emphasize marketing, the price will skyrocket and I want to participate in it. Right now it's listed only on Cryptopia, Kucoin, EhterDelta, and LiveCoin – once listed on some big exchange like Binance or Bittrex, the price will fly to the moon!

I like your article. I too was struck by the concept and the project seems solid in most other ways--the team seems competent, they're very involved in engaging the community and they have these partnerships like the UN. I put a sizable chunk of my cryptoassets into this coin. What makes me a little nervous is that they currently only have an MVP, and don't really go into detail of any tech development on their website. Even in the white paper, the most elaborate it gets is a basic flowchart of use case between the investors. I actually just tweeted to them about it. I've got my fingers crossed and hoping they pull through on this one.

Thanks for the comment!

I think they have a medium post that is pretty useful, maybe you can give it a read?


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