1000 Years of Deception End Game

in #deception7 years ago (edited)

1000 Years of Deception End Game

I am in the dreamscape and I have gone through the Arcturian Gate (change density) which is a huge 9 story building and on the opposite side of the building I am no longer in this density. I have been taken to a simple accommodation where one other adult female is present. We communicate telepathically. Another adult female is on her way to the same accommodation. The first one is a robust lady sitting at a table with a student who is practicing photographic memory skills. She appears to be from Eastern Europe, perhaps Ukraine. I go outside and in a while the robust lady comes out also, she has changed into a casual dinner dress which is lavender floral and made to look as two piece but is a mock hem at the waist, she poses and thinks “Well. How do I look”? And, I answer telepathically, “Better than I thought possible”. She is known to me and understands my sense of humor, she smiles as she walks down a path to meet the next arrival. A tall and slender female, perhaps Moroccan or Ghanaian has arrived and she is beautiful. Her straight bangs show from under a heavy colorful array of cloth fashioned into a traditional Ghanaian head scarf appearing as a hat. It is my turn to be taken to the room which holds a book, the book used by the Kingmakers for 1000 years. The book used to create our history and the conditions which shape our human lives as we conveniently fall for the tricks as planned and predicted.

In the dreamscape I am taken to a room in Mount Carmel in Aleteia, this room is decorated like it was carved out of a single huge tree or rock and inside the room is one book on a table. The book of deception has been used for 1000 years, since 666AD. I have been here before.

It has been used to hide the truth of the history of China which includes the story of the sword Xuan Yuan which was made for the Yellow Emperor by immortals with copper from Shoushan Mountain, and later passed on to Emperor Yu of the Xia Dynasty. On one side of the blade were carved the sun, the moon, and the stars; on the other side mountains, rivers, and trees. On one side of the handle, know-how of farming and husbandry was recorded; on the other side, policies of unification were described. Xuan Yuan was a sword of divinity. This sword is protected by the Blue Avians.

I stay overnight, in my dreamscape, and awaken a second time in the dream and prepare to be taken back to 'the book'. I can open the book to any page and any section. It is there before me. I choose not to open the book, it is old, fragile, very large and small black and gold tabs hold thin flat solid section markers which allow the book to be opened with the least amount of stress on the binder. There are copies, in secret places, in the hands of the highest degree free masons. I can come again, any time I request to be brought here. This book is guarded by the Blue Avians. And, it can be opened and read and the information shared, there are many of us now who are awakened. We come from many lands and many cultures.

We have been controlled for centuries by religion – NOT spirtuality – RELIGION. There is a difference. The arrival of the Andromedans, who have seen our present which can affect their furture is NOT going to be allowed to happen.

I DON'T KNOW; I DIDN'T KNOW is NOT an EXCUSE. If you are making the bombs, poisons used by the pharmaceutical industry, flying the planes spraying the chemicals then you are accountable. The vast majority of people who are employed in the US or by the US are under contract that they work exclusively for their employer. This limits or prevents the USE of YOUR FREE TIME. This is slavery, not employment. We are separated, marginalised because our nieces nephews, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandchildren, parents, aunts and uncles are in prison. Or, they are sick or they have passed on and others are caring for the sick. The rest are military or PTSD, homeless, drug addicts, truly unable to get their very real medical conditions such as silent superbug treated, unable to get pain medication for very real painful diseases and medical conditions and they turn to illegal drugs, alcohol or buying other people's prescriptions. The Emerald Council includes the ASCENDED Pleidians, Arcturian elders, Andromedans, Avians and Syrian council (Mantis) and they can literally melt the CERN, shut down the nuclear power plants, electric grids.

The NWO expects us to believe that the Vatican and American television has been chosen to bring forward the disclosure to the English speaking world that a small group of extraterrestrials who look just like us are the promised 'disclosure' and if the Americans accept it then the rest of the world will follow along like sheeple. The day of the sheeple is over. The same EBENs that look 'just like us' and who have “given” our governments technologies that they have used to “protect” us from what? Technologies they have used to strip us of our dignity, resources, senses and rights, the same technologies they have used to wreak havok on the planet and create illnesses are now going to be used 'for the greater good' because these EBENs 'who look just like us' are endorsed by The Vatican and American television. Right. Perhaps the endorsement of British monarchy is in order.

The EBENs arriving do not look just like us and this is going to be a big revelation. There are also a lot of communities in Agartha and not all of them are friendly and even the friendly ones do not all look 'just like us'. Some are nasty and some are nasty because we THE DEEP STATE have been assaulting their living space with advanced technology, oil drilling, fracking, HAARP, sonar, scaler, CERN and bio-weapons and they're not going to take it anymore. What will it take to stop the deception? I do not know, the Pacific Ring of Fire volcanoes enclosing the Fukushima radiation disaster and changing the shape of the land masses on Earth's surface perhaps. A large scale arrival of motherships with the simultaneous shutdown of nuclear plants and military bases world-wide? The fall of the dollar? All of the above?

Agartha has very beautiful cities in inner Earth. Many humans, human hybrids and other beings live in inner earth. 1000 years have been invested in the Book of Deception, the Holy city of Aleteia. Be careful. The second coming is a part of the 1000 years of deception end game.

About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically.Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website: http://saras-autism-diet.freeservers.com/Sandra/Consultation.html

'Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman'
Sandra is a life-long Experiencer of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state.

She has written two books on autism:
The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery https://payhip.com/b/FGn9
Autism, the Way Forward https://payhip.com/b/IsW9

Her most recent book has just been published as an e-book:
The Kingmakers https://payhip.com/b/lZ3M
Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun https://payhip.com/b/FC1Z

Meet the Ancients came about as a result of my life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - my Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth.

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