4 Industries Set To Be Disrupted By Blockchain Technology Featured At Decentralized 2018

in #decentralized20186 years ago (edited)

There have been a lot of developments in the blockchain space that have really caught my attention.

I also love the fact that there have been a lot of blockchain conferences happening in Europe in the last months. There is one particular conference called decentralized 2018 that I am interested in.

After the huge success of Decentralized 2017, the University of Nicosia is proud to announce that Decentralized 2018 will take place on November 14-16, 2018(just a few days from today) at the Divani Caravel, Athens, Greece.

There are many industries that will be or have already been disrupted blockchain technology.

Let us discuss some of those industries that will be talked about at the Decentralized 2018 conference.

Let us first know more about decentralized 2018.


Decentralized 2018 is a blockchain conference that is organized by the University of Nicosia, a global leader in blockchain education and research, as well as providers of the world's first full academic degree in blockchains, the MSc in Digital Currency.

This conference will bring together many experienced folks in the blockchain space like Roger Ver, It will feature over 70+ speakers and 1,000+ attendees from over 50 countries!

Let us now review some of the industries that blockchain technology will disrupt and will be talked about at the conference.

1.Banking Industry

We first need to understand what services the bank offer before knowing how Blockchain can disrupt them!

There are many services offered by banks but among them we have, offering payments, giving out loans, account deposits, and withdrawals.

Blockchain technology will reduce the high fees incurred in payments as middlemen will be eliminated as is already being witnessed with bitcoin! You can send payments using bitcoin in a peer-to-peer way(directly from one person to another).

Another service in banking that blockchain will help out is loans, it takes a long time to secure a loan in many countries.

The blockchain technology will make it easy and quick to access loans as no underwriters will be needed, smart contracts will be deployed in real time.

2.Healthcare System

There are really many problems in the healthcare system that can be solved by blockchain technology like loss of patient records!
I have personally heard of scenarios where some patient records disappear mysteriously!

The blockchain will be able to store as many records as are available. The other beauty with the blockchain is that the records are immutable(Unchanged!).

Blockchain technology can also help people in emergencies where may be a person needs a blood transfusion! It is easy to determine the blood type needed in an emergency as your information can easily and quickly be accessed on the blockchain unlike the traditional way where the patient(in emergency) has first to be tested to determine the blood type because of lack of records!

The healthcare system is also affected by counterfeit medicines! It will be possible now with blockchain technology to track all medicines from the factory to the hospital or pharmacy!

This will eliminate counterfeits that most times turn up disastrous to people's health.


This is a very sensitive topic in almost every country! There are elections happening almost each and every year in the world.

In most countries, there are many instances of vote rigging, especially in less developed countries.
There have been complaints by some political parties(opposition) that elections are always rigged by the incumbent politicians(Presidents!).

It is rare for an election to end here in Africa and all the voters are happy with the results!

This unhappiness is caused by vote rigging which can be eliminated by blockchain technology.

There are also reports that the US 2016 elections were rigged! I have no proof, but have read stories of how the elections were tampered with.

The blockchain technology will solve all these vote rigging claims by using an immutable system that cannot be changed and hacked!

It will take some time to implement blockchain technology voting, but there is already progress as Sierra Leone became the first country to implement blockchain technology voting using a system called Agora.


I am sure we might all have heard of scenarios of corruption in some governments! It is just a few or no governments that aren't corrupt!
It is ironic that some governments do not yet approve of blockchain technology!

I am proud because I was present when the president of Uganda endorsed blockchain technology in a conference dubbed the Africa Blockchain conference.

He was happy with the trust feature of the blockchain.

He, in fact, said that Uganda will soon deploy blockchain technology in most sectors of government to speed up service delivery and also reduce corruption.

One of the sectors that blockchain can speed up is Passport issuance . It currently takes a very long time to be issued a passport here in Uganda! We hope with blockchain this process can be sped up.

There are many industries that blockchain will disrupt, and I listed just a few here above!

In conclusion, I really think that blockchain technology will revolutionize how things will be done in the near future.

These industries above will be discussed in the upcoming decentralized 2018 event that will be commencing in a few days from now.

You can buy yourself tickets to this event so that you can meet some of the great speakers in the blockchain space like Roger Ver and many others.

You can read more about Decentralized 2018 by checking out these links below.

Website: https://www.decentralized.com/

Speakers: https://www.decentralized.com/speakers-2018/

Promotional Video:


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