COMBO Network: Developing an open-source, decentralized, game-oriented Layer2 that is accessible to everyone

in #decentralizedlast year (edited)


Presentation of COMBO, formerly known as Cocos-BCX

COMBO, formerly known as Cocos-BCX, is one such platform that is changing the game by offering a scope of creative elements to the two designers and investors the same. With an emphasis on giving versatile and open answers for Web3 game turn of events, COMBO is utilizing the world's top game motor to fabricate an open-source, decentralized Layer2 that is customized to address the issues of the gaming local area. By associating game designers with the whole biological system in an effective, reasonable, and secure way, COMBO is amplifying the capability of Web3 games and driving mass reception in the space.

COMBO environment is zeroing in on gaming-explicit Layer2 scaling arrangements. By building a Layer2 platform that is enhanced for gaming, COMBO can offer a scope of advantages to engineers, including further developed versatility, quicker exchange velocities, and lower charges. This, thusly, makes a more consistent and connecting with gaming experience for clients, which is basic for drawing in and holding players.


Combo Network Brings Testnet for Web3 Designers

Combo Network, one of the developing Web3 center points, is prepared to offer its testnet. Moreover, the organization carries open doors to Web3 engineers with early admittance to tokens. The Combo Organization testnet just arrived at the achievement of 1M exchanges. The center point offers L1 to L2 exchanges and the converse, as well as L2 exchanges for speed and versatility. The testnet produces a block each second, with 1.5 exchanges each seconds at the ongoing pace of utilization. Engineers have until May 9 to join a surefire airdrop and future income from the new L2 versatile arrangement.

The Combo network resources will be gotten in kind for Cobe NFT from Binance Savvy Chain. The Cobe is allowed to mint and there is no particular arrangement for optional exchanging. The NFT will work generally as an identification and a Combo network personality.

The NFT move process has been made more straightforward through other spanning administrations. A portion of the clients detailed a flawed mint, while others figured out how to become Cobe proprietors and get extra testnet access and tokens. The mint will be open until May 9, and will mean the status as an early adopter of Combo innovation and testnet access.

The Cobe mint is an instrument to promote the organization, yet the more extended term objectives of Combo is to become one of the go-to blockchains for Web3 improvement.


What exactly COMBO Network mean for investors

It, most importantly, implies that COMBO is at the very front of a quickly developing business sector. The worldwide gaming market is worth more than $180 billion, and is projected to keep developing at a pace of more than 9% each year. With the blast of Web3 games, this market is simply set to grow significantly further.

Besides, it implies that COMBO has a novel situation on the lookout. While there are absolutely different organizations dealing with scaling answers for Web3 games, COMBO's attention on game improvement separates it. By focusing on the necessities of game designers, COMBO can offer arrangements that are customized explicitly to the prerequisites of the gaming business.

At long last, it implies that COMBO has a reasonable guide for development. With an emphasis on building an open-source, decentralized platform, COMBO is making an organization impact that will draw in an ever increasing number of designers and players over the long haul. This, thus, will drive the worth of the COMBO token, making it an appealing speculation opportunity for those hoping to gain by the development of the Web3 gaming market.



COMBO aims to address and determine the central questions looked by game designers in the web3 field:

  • Overcoming High Obstructions to Entry: Perceiving the difficulties looked by game engineers in entering the web3 gaming space, COMBO offers an exhaustive set-up of improvement devices and backing administrations. By improving on the most common way of building web3 games, COMBO aims to make this creative domain more congenial and open to designers, cultivating a lively and flourishing gaming biological system for what's in store.

  • Incomplete Improvement Kit: COMBO offers a complete advancement pack that incorporates full-stack administrations and specialized help. This is particularly advantageous for game designers who are new to the web3 space and need help with progressing to this new worldview. With COMBO's improvement pack, these engineers can speed up their expectation to learn and adapt and immediately adjust to the prerequisites of web3 gaming.

  • Expensive Exchange Costs: One of the greatest difficulties looked by web3 game designers is the high exchange costs related with blockchain-based frameworks. To resolve this issue, COMBO is fostering a web3 game-situated Layer2 arrangement that will run on different chains, beginning with Binance Savvy Chain (BNB).

Utilizing the versatility and minimal expense exchange capacities of Layer2, COMBO aims to limit exchange costs and give a consistent gaming experience to clients. This is a critical stage towards making web3 gaming open to a more extensive crowd and opening the maximum capacity of this progressive innovation.


  • Token Name: COMBO Token
  • Token Image: COMBO
  • Token Decimals: 18
  • Greatest Stockpile: 100,000,000
  • Token Shrewd Agreements:
    ERC-20 0x0b92b826571065f37028496D26AA519F439a2039
    BEP-20 0x0b92b826571065f37028496D26AA519F439a2039



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The COMBO biological system is a unique advantage for the DeFi and NFT markets. By joining the best case scenario, the platform furnishes investors with a better approach to cooperate with their resources. The biological system's emphasis on interoperability and client experience makes it a convincing venture an open door for anyone with any interest in store for DeFi and NFTs. With new elements and venture potential open doors being added constantly, the COMBO biological system is set to proceed with its fast development before long.


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Writer Info:

Bitcointalk username : TimeAndSpeed
Bitcointalk profile link :;u=3381069
Telegram name : @TimeAndSpeed
Wallet address: 0x09c054362e1bf3f954cc7c74955a575535533caf

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