Decentralized Social Media Networks

in #decentralized3 years ago (edited)

Decentralized Social Media Networks
Big Brother Censorship Rebellion Using Blockchain-Based Decentralized Media Networks
If you have been watching the massive censorship coming from the government using their partners in Silicon Valley, you are aware this is a huge problem.


Escaping to a Decentralized Blockchain-based solution is the future for freedom.

Blockchain Decentralized Social Media Networks 2021

Bhahik Soni
March 4, 2021
Best Blockchain-based Decentralized Social Media Networks
Decentralized Social Media Networks
If you have watched the show “Silicon Valley”, you will remember that one episode where the protagonist group thought they had lost all their data. But in a fluke, they got it all back after discovering that the data had been backed up in a network of smart fridges.

While the show had stretched reality to a bit of an extreme, it illustrated the concept of a decentralized data storage and sharing system through a peer-to-peer network pretty well. Blockchain technology is based on this very concept.

Instead of storing all data on servers owned by a central authority which gives them complete power over the data, it is stored as blocks or chunks of data chained chronologically in servers all across the world not owned by any particular entity.

What Are Blockchain-Based Decentralized Social Media Networks?


Decentralized Social Media Networks
Blockchain-based social media is a decentralized social media system that is stored using blockchain technology. That means every activity on the network gets irreversibly stored in the blockchain, all interactions are protected by end-to-end encryption, and the blockchain is stored on a decentralized network of servers composed of the devices of every user of the social media site. That means the higher the number of users, the greater the capacity to hold data.

You may also want to read: What Is Blockchain And What Are Its Business Applications?

What Are Decentralized Social Networks?


Decentralized Social Media Networks
All blockchain social media networks fall under the category of decentralized social networks. A social network being decentralized pertains to the absence of a central proprietory authority holding all the data, to be “served” to users on request.

Rather, the data is stored in a decentralized and homogenous manner in servers or storage devices across each node of the network. When a person requests certain information, it is compiled from all the pieces on every storage device in the network and assembled in the device of the user.

Moreover, anyone can interact with anyone else due to the federal nature of the network. The founder of the network only draws up rules of the ethical use and compliance of the site, but that is about the only control they exercise.

Pros And Cons Of Decentralized Networks


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