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RE: Inefficiency Is A Good Thing

You know there is a problem when you get sick and the only treatments offered are ones that are extremely overpriced.

USA health-care system is flawed, in my country health-care is "free" i put it between "" because we pay taxes for that... Which I really don't know if it is a good solution since we are all playing to help some people that are sick because of their own mistakes (diabetes in morbidly obese people, cancer in steroid users, etc..."

You know there is a problem when kids come home from school and all they learned was how to be dependent on the system.

Thank god I had a father and brother that told me to always do my own research, and always think with my own head... Many of the ones that didn't get this tipe of education are now cogs in the machine, or sheep, I would rather be the wolf, or be the one controlling the machine...

Who in their right mind would ever want to pump billions into R&D for a project that can't be monetized?

This is why I love Elon Musk and all his projects, most of his companies aren't making much profit if at all, he has to spend $ from his own pocket, but in the end if he succedes he advances making by that much, because he is more concerned with the future of manking than with the future of his bank account! Just look at Tesla, SpaceX, NeuroLink, SolarCity, most of them are doing amazing things and aren't making that much money!

Decentralization will be a powerhouse some years down the line, but like the dotcom age we first need a shift of "way of thinking", we need progress, and we need lots and lots of education... I see the true revolution starting somewhere around 2025, that's when the snowball starts going down the hill and we start growing like crazy!

Hope everything is going great @edicted, I've been busy learning other things just came back and restarted posting :)

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