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RE: Inefficiency Is A Good Thing

You know there is a problem when restaurants are throwing away food by the dumpster-full while people are starving on the streets.

They even put padlocks on the dumpsters to make sure no hungry or homeless person can get to the food they throw out.

The only part I see missing in your outline is the one that has been the story of man since the beginning. The one where those who would have it all get small armies together and invade/terrorize the rest into compliance as they make sure most have the bare minimum or less.

If crypto gets tot he point where it begins to actually threaten their stranglehold, they will clamp down. I believe they already know everything we do online, recording every move. They have many convinced it is convenient to have smart devices in our homes recording what we say, logging when doors are locked. Cameras spying even inside homes through security systems. I suspect that within a few years it will be mandatory for all homes to have these smart (spying) devices in their homes. To not will mean you must be a criminal, and many of your neighbors will agree, saying shit like if you had nothing to hide you wouldn't mind.

They will not cede the controls they tighten daily at an accelerating pace unless something changes drastically in enough people willing to say no. In ways that those who would do the bidding are fearful to help these sick greedy people do anymore clamping.

The hope I see many like yourself having in crypto is to combat the problems I outline above. And unfortunately at this point in time we are using their tools to utilize it.


It is quite convenient to use the old infrastructure as a bootstrap into the new world. The more progress we make, the easier it will be to go back and remove those centralized bottlenecks (like exchanges, ISPs, and elite block producers).

It's hard to say just how much the establishment will lash out as a response. Is the system so top-heavy and broken that it doesn't have the momentum to crack down? Or will we see some next level police state action? It's hard to say. Probably somewhere in the middle.

saying shit like if you had nothing to hide you wouldn't mind.

I get so aggressive when someone is saying that. This destroys my peace.
I totally agree with you.

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