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RE: Inefficiency Is A Good Thing

Today, in The US, we have about 3% of the people growing all the food.
And, at any time, this centralized conglomerate could break down. Starvation everywhere. (and the network is so complex, that a break down is inevitable.)

BUT! With modern farming practices, such as no-till farming, composting bins, automatic watering (and there are now robots who will weed and plant) each person could farm their own produce with less than 10 hours per week.

Of course this is less efficient, however the reliability goes way up. As well as the nutrition, taste, quality and self satisfaction.

Aquaponics can even provide fish as well.

Soon, we will add manufacturing and power creation to the local community level.

And i am glad, because i hate the throw away economy.
When all i need is a plastic gasket, to make the coffee maker work, i should ask my 3D printer to get the file and make one. Today, you just throw away the whole coffee maker for lack of a 1¢ part.

This "efficiency" (planned obsolescence) i can do without.


each person could farm their own produce with less than 10 hours per week.

Everyone should start using their garden for growing food! Start learning how to grow food. How to be self suffcient. This would giva back a lot of power to the people.

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