Decenternet Power: the biggest project to liberate the world.

in #decenternet6 years ago


"Decenternet" At our fingertips...The next biggest truth to liberate the world !

Internet has been in use for many decades now, it's one of the major inventions that has taken the world by storm and dramatically transformed everything around humanity both the lifestyles and cultures. Plethora of benefits that abound in its proliferation across the globe takes the technology further several miles beyond words.
Internet helps us stay connected together in our world and makes things work faster, easier and with greater efficacy. We need data to use the internet by which a group of pioneer gain a lot of profit from its users. Going by statistics, in 2017 alone, about $3 trillion was recorded as the revenue generated by the owners of the protocols hosting the internet whereas the end users have nothing in their pockets for their unrewarded generosity in investing time, energy and money in the host business. Not only that their private information are always at risk to be compromised, but also this can even be done without the users consent or awareness.
With this degree of unfairness and violation of people's' rights ( which I termed daylight robbery), masses may be unfairly blamed for allowing those hungry lions to pounce on them but we cannot forget to take into account how internet businesses are being centralized, run and controlled by quite a few.

Having access to people's data gives them an undue and unfair leverage to manipulate people in a malicious way either consciously or unconsciously, the result always being that... people are being robbed of the rewards their sweat and efforts deserve and there seems to be no solution in sight. a proposal has to be made to effect a paradigm shift in approaching and tackling the problem.

This has prompted the move to end this injustices and upheld fairness and promote equity and transparency. For this purpose, there's a project called "decenternet" founded by Sean Kim, a South Korean based entrepreneur and d promoter of blockchain in the country, He's the Founder and Visionary Think Tank of Decenternet, Co-founder Visionary of Anuvys Meta-Corporation and the Decentralized World Movement For Liberty and Freedom.
The aims of this project are summed up in promoting true freedom thereby improving people's lives in a massive way. In fact this is just an eye opener for the everyone to have the glimpse of the world whose doors have been shut against many people craving for a sense of purpose, worth and meaning which our centralized government, systems have found a deceptive way to deprive them. Enormous amount of wealths are being shared among few while billions of people wallow in poverty, hunger and dehumanizing situation.

Just a brief description of Decenternet.
Decenternet is the most powerful complete hyper speed P2P distributed Internet infrastructure solution platform that Blockchain technology can create. It doesn’t belong or report to any third-party organization except to its users. It uses an innovative browser technology that provides the users experience with a much faster,more secure and more private decentralized Internet providing a leverage with which the traditional websites run seamlessly. Dnet core assets such as Dnet web hosting, the blockchain native Anuvis Operating System, Liberty Search Engine, and the Osiris.

Decentrenet architecture features the unique Proof of Reliability mining protocol that creates a hyper speed web browsing experience along with virtualized SD-WAN (SoftwareDefinedWideAreaNetwork) which ensures optimum Bandwidth and quality traffic routing so that users can enjoy seamless access to a world class dApp experience, solving the issue of poor performance and speed completely . It ensures mass adoption of smart routing and access between users and hosted nodes. On Decenternet, the users are the owner of their data thus limiting the influence of the external body.


*The Osiris Browser:
Osiris browser is the fastest and most secure Decenternet native Browser that allows people to experience the Decenternet. It gives people access to both traditional websites and Decenternet websites at the go. The Osiris is faster than any other data decentralization solution proposed until now thanks to the proprietary Proof-of-Reliability protocol.


It is a Linux-based Decenternet native OS, which is designed to protect users freedom and privacy as well as improve the production rate of spyce. Unlike traditionalOSs, Anuvys is not bloated with surveillance protocols that report every simple activity to a 3rd party. Also, the Anuvys experience is free because it is sustained by the libertarian Spyce mining activity.

Decenternet Liberty search engine:

This will help in data search and also to retrieve data. Liberty does not form any partnership with the third party and this makes information on it to be more secure.


It is an appreciating currency that is interchangeable with most major cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and EOS. Spyce is used for all d-net related services, trade, commerce and microtransaction on d-net and on the open source d-net native Anuvys Operating system and Osiris web/d-web browser.

The Advantage of Anuvy's OS over every other OS

  • The user gets paid to use by Spyce mining activity.

  • Linux based Blockchain native OS.

  • All benefits of stable Linux already present.

  • The open source code can be audited at any time.

  • Doesn’t report anything to anyone without your consent.

  • Doesn’t use system resources for surveillance.

  • All updates are for the benefit of the user.

  • Impeccable stability. No frequent crashes, freezes, and reboots.

  • All system resources are used to improve user experience and Spyce mining optimization.

  • Designed for personal security and protection of the individual user.

  • Unlimited access to the decentralized web in addition to the traditionally limited access to suppresses monopolized centralized web.

  • Censored by the general consensus of the users with no agendas of exploitation.

  • Anuvys doesn’t treat you like a criminal.

  • Native access to the Liberty Search Engine.

  • System Agnostic.

  • Runs fast just like the first day of installation even after many years of use. Speed doesn’t slow down over time because it doesn’t need defragmentation.

  • Doesn’t own loyalty to a commercial organization because it is supported by a percentage share of the Spyce mining economy.

  • Doesn’t require frequent updates. Anuvys updates are for real user experiences.

  • Doesn’t require frequent hardware upgrades for general use.

  • Stays loyal to the users of d-net.

and many more...

There's more to the positive changes and benefits that await us with Decenternet. It is a vision that was inspired by a group of selfless people whose hearts long for true freedom for all and sundry.


Welcome to the world of opportunities where everyone's contributions matter to build a better and smarter society together.

No more slavery!

image source

Find Out More Through The Following Resources:
Anuvys Website
Decenternet Whitepaper
Decenternet Website


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