in #decenternet6 years ago (edited)

ARPANET foundation is one of those foundations that eagerly give support to start - up, social projects and general initiatives aligned with the vision it has. Decenternet is one of the projects that have been seconded by ARPANET. ARPANET stands for The Advanced Research Projects Agency network. ARPANET was an early packet switching network and the first network to implement the protocol suite TCP/IP and both these technologies became the technical foundation of the Internet.

let's look at the history of the internet.

The history of the Internet begins with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s. Initial concepts of wide area networking originated in several computer science laboratories in the United States, United Kingdom, and France. The US Department of Defense awarded contracts as early as the 1960s, including for the development of the ARPANET project, directed by Robert Taylor and managed by Lawrence Roberts.

The ARPANET went live in early October 1969. The first communications were between Leonard Kleinrock's research center at the University of California at Los Angeles, and Douglas Engelbart's center at the Stanford Research Institute. The first networking protocol that was used on the ARPANET was the Network Control Program(NCP) which standardized the ARPANET network convergence, making it easier to establish, and enabling more and more Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). There was a development done on the NCP to come up with the TCP/IP networking protocol which is still used on the Internet today because of its foundation of an inter-networking design.

Why would the ARPANET officially support for decenternet?

amusingly the ARPANET is not satisfied with how the centralized internet infrastructure is being controlled. With the centralized internet, there is no transparency, freedom, limitation of data to the users and worst of all there is a central group that is walking away with exorbitant sums of money from the centralized infrastructure. The Decenternet infrastructure is in alignment with the ARPANET vision to provides a software-defined solution that adds more default transparency, ownership of data to its users and also kindle open source environment with the liberty search engines, Osiris browser, and its operating system. With the ARPANET team backing up the decenternet team the vision of achieving net neutrality will be 100% and In Africa, we are looking up to this project a lot because it is going to drop the unemployment levels with the spyce

ARPANET Supporting for decenternet will obviously push the success of the project.

Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results. With the ARPANET team working along the dnet team there will be a lot of advisors on the team that will kindle this project. All the targets of the project will be achieved.
ARPANET's support makes the project an authentic one and a good indicator for the investors. This is more like Satoshi Nakamoto seconding a token.

Check out the following websites to know more about Decenternet

decenternet website
decenternet facebook page
decenternet twitterpage](


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Merci beaucoup!

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